So Bigan was the first to raise his hands in favor.

Li Zhi went on to say: "today, besides the establishment of six departments of officials, households, rites, soldiers, punishments and workers, we should also abolish the ban on clans and recruit talents regardless of their origins."

After that, the nobles immediately disagreed.

But this time, they didn't dare to say anything else. After the battle of King Zhou, they all knew that the emperor was decisive.

Didn't you see that the mighty Baiyue God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God?

However, looking at the look of these people, they showed a very uncomfortable look.

Let Li Zhi know that although these people dare not express their anger, they are very opposed in their hearts.

At that time, even if it was implemented, these people would secretly obstruct it. Thinking of this, Li Zhi slightly recalled the reason why King Zhou was opposed by Ji Chang in the original history.

There are six slogans against it.

The first one is to drink too much and build a wine pool and meat forest. The first one is to let Li Zhi know that Ji Chang is not kind. What's wrong with wine pool and meat forest? There's nothing wrong with eating meat and drinking wine. Besides, Li Zhi doesn't believe that Ji Chang's family has no wine pool and meat forest. I'm afraid it will be even more terrible! Wine sea and meat mountain!

Second, Li Zhi admired the appointment of slaves and Untouchables instead of royalty. After all, King Zhou was different from him. He was not a passer-by. The way of thinking of an ancient man was so far-reaching. It can be seen that King Zhou should be regarded as a wise king!

The third is to reuse villains, and villains refer to Fei Zhongyou Hun and others. In fact, Li Zhi thinks that maybe Fei Zhong is a real villain! But these real villains are loyal to King Zhou. For example, although Fei Zhong's younger brother has been cut off by Li Zhi, Fei Zhong is still very happy and loyal to King Zhou. For the sake of great power, he learns that the power of East Hall is actually monitored in the whole world, which makes him feel that this is king Zhou's trust in him! Therefore, he works conscientiously. Why did Fei Yuhe see his father so serious? It can be said that I don't want to go back to my home all day! Stay in the east hall! Give full play to the role of the East chamber! Even Li Zhi didn't expect that Fei Zhong had built the East Hall as it should have been in the Ming Dynasty!.

The fourth is to listen to women's words, which makes Li Zhi sneer. What's wrong with women's words? As long as women are capable, such as Fei Yuhe and others, Li Zhi even thinks it's OK to appoint them as scholar officials. However, Li Zhi knows that it's difficult to promote women's status in this era, However, Fei Yuhe and others can be used as counselors in the harem. Li Zhi has no doubt about Fei Yuhe's ability.

The fifth is that King Zhou did not believe in heaven and respected heaven.

The sixth is not to sacrifice with heart.

The fifth and the sixth can be put together to say that for the original King Zhou, Li Zhi is now extremely admired.

With the thought of the ancients, we can think of a way to oppose heaven. Can this kind of thinking actually appear in this era?

It can be seen that King Zhou was born at a different time. If he was born one or two hundred years earlier, maybe the whole business would be directly deduced to feudal society by King Zhou! Just at the wrong time, did not pay attention to one thing!

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