He said to Li Zhi, "ah, your majesty, since you mean that, I already know! I'm leaving

Li Zhi saw that Li Jing came and went in a hurry

I have already guessed Li Jing's intention. In fact, I think it's also Li Jing. After all, as a disciple of the immortal family, he has a good background. Although he is not qualified, he is his apprentice. I don't think Ao Guang is anything.

He took the poor family roster in front of the book case. At this time, a name caught Li Zhi's attention.

Kong Xuan, Peng Xuan.

Kong Xuan?!

When he saw Kong Xuan twice, Li Zhi was very happy. Was it really Kong Xuan who came here?

Thinking of this, he quickly asked him to come up.

Not long after that, the people under his command led the dignified young man to Li Zhi's study.

When Li Zhi saw Kong Xuan, he was stunned.


When Kong Xuan was chased that day, he was not this image. Although he was also dignified, he was not so handsome.

At that time, Kong Xuan's temperament was different from that of that time. On that day, he said that he had a hot temper, just like a teenager. Now Kong Xuan feels like a Confucian, or even a great Confucian!

Thinking of this, Li Zhi felt that he had made a mistake, so he heard Li Zhi say, "since you are here, I don't know what you can do to become an official in the court?"

Kong Xuan gave a proud smile and then said to Li Zhi, "isn't Xiao Min talented? He has the ability to be a generalist, to be familiar with the book of war, and to be taught by heaven

Li Zhi narrowed his eyes to listen to Kong Xuan's words. His temper was very similar to Kong Xuan's. although his temperament and appearance were different, Li Zhi thought for a long time, but he didn't know whether there was a relationship between them.

Why don't you try it out? Li Zhi stood up from his seat, walked around Kong Xuan and said, "I don't know why I feel like I've known you before, and I'm close to you. Why?"

Kong Xuan's eyes flashed a trace of brilliance. He never thought that his change was suspected by King Zhou.

But when I think of the cultivation of King Zhou, I don't think it's possible. Now King Zhou is just a golden elixir.

He said to Li Zhi, "Oh, your majesty has such a feeling. It's a blessing for Xiaomin."

All of a sudden, he said to Li Zhi, "there's one thing that I don't understand. If you are a emperor, your accomplishments are not high. Why does your majesty have the accomplishments of golden elixir?"

After Li Zhi was finished with a sentence from Kong Xuan, he guessed that Kong Xuan was the one he saved at that time!

Although I don't know why the appearance has changed, one thing I can be sure of is that it's time for Kong Xuan to say that he came to repay his kindness!

Li Zhi said: "it's strange that I wanted to practice Kung Fu casually. I didn't think that the golden elixir was formed by chance. I don't know why it turned out like this."

When Kong Xuan saw Li Zhi say so, he believed Li Zhi's words.

Then he suddenly said to Li Zhi, "Your Majesty, Xiao Ming came from the mountains and wild forests. Since ancient times, he has heard a saying from the human race," if it's not our race, it will be different. " What does your majesty think of this sentence? "

Li Zhi laughs in his heart. It seems that Kong Xuan is testing himself.

Li Zhi laughed.

"It seems that you don't understand this well. How about I explain it to you?"

Kong Xuan said quickly, "I'm all ears!"

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