Referring to the system, Li Zhi thought about how the system was silent again. The last time it started with Nuwa Jiangxiang, it appeared once, and then it was silent again.

Anyway, Li zhisuan gave up on the system completely. I don't know why that guy is so silent. Alas.

After walking for a long time unconsciously, Li Zhi suddenly found that it was far away from Chaoge. It was a small village nearby. Peng Xuan suddenly said, "brother, this village is strange. Why don't you make a fire to cook at this time?"

Li Zhi looked at the sky. It was already evening. It was time for cooking, but the village was very quiet.

Those chimneys didn't give out smoke, which made Li Zhipo surprised. In other places, the smoke must have curled up.

But why is there no one living in this small village? Thinking of this, Li Zhi found a well-off household.

The residents' house is a small courtyard with a wall, but it's not high. It's only less than one person's height. Li Zhi knocks on the doorbell, and the sound goes out. At this time, a woman in her thirties comes out of it,

Hearing someone calling at the door, the woman came to the door and asked, "who is attacking the door?"

After listening to the woman's words, Li Zhi's nose is almost crooked. Who can't see it?

Your walls are not as high as mine!

When Li Zhiqing cleared his throat, he said, "sister-in-law, we are businessmen passing by. We want to go in and ask for a bowl of water."

At this time, the woman began to look at Li Zhi and his party, and found that they were not bad people because of their gorgeous clothes. She opened the door and said to Li Zhi and others, "please come in."

Li Zhibian, Peng Xuan and others enter the room and find that the decoration inside the room is gorgeous.

There is a baby on the bed for a few months. As soon as he enters the room, Li Zhicai finds out that people are cooking, but why doesn't the chimney smoke? Li Zhipo was puzzled.

The man who came out of it was a strong man in his thirties. When he saw Li Zhi and others in a daze, he heard the woman say, "these are passing businessmen. They want to ask for a bowl of water."

Male host a smile: "Oh, so is so, several quick inside, I go to fetch water for you."

Looking at the host's hospitality, Peng Xuan said to Li Zhi, "brother, the mountains here are so simple."

Li Zhiyi smiles and thinks of it in his heart. Of course, the recent development of Chaoge is very good. If the people have money, they will be much better.

At this time, Li Zhi came to the outer room. Suddenly, he found that the outer room was different from the places where he saw burning and cooking. In the outer room, there was a huge stove. The stove was more than one meter high. Under it, there was something similar to a stove. A woman was cooking on the stove with a pot.

When he saw the shape of the stove, Li Zhi asked strangely, "sister-in-law, why is there no smoke curling in this mountain village when we have dinner?"

When the woman heard Li Zhi's question, she quickly said, "little brother, you don't know. We don't use firewood to cook here. We use these things instead."

With that, he opened a curtain under the stove, which made Li Zhi stare out. It turned out that there was a stove under the stove. On the other side of the stove, there was a box of black coal!!

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