In terms of quantity, the gods of nine elements and the soldiers of elements they summoned together have about 1000 people. At this time, Li Zhi suddenly put his hands on the string, and the sound of the Qin stopped. When the heavenly soldiers heard that the sound of the Qin stopped, they rushed over.

But Li Zhi didn't notice at all. Looking at the God of water among the five elements of gold, water, fire and earth, Li Zhi held a small staff in his hand. The staff was only the size of a palm, but its momentum was not much weaker than that of the goddess of light.

Then he waved his staff, mixed with the sea water that had not been burned by the moon just now, and rushed towards the heavenly soldiers and generals in the sky. Next to the goddess of water, the earth element goddess had a yellow glove on her hand.

Look at the yellow light on the glove of earth element goddess. With a wave of her hand, things happened on the surrounding islands. With the water dragons flying into the air, countless earth dragons were generated on the ground.

The water dragon and the Earth Dragon directly face the sky general, and form a strange and incomparable water and soil array with nine people as the center. The sky general is divided into several camps by the water dragon and the Earth Dragon, and there is chaos for a moment.

Under the command of Tianjiang, Tianjiang managed to stabilize his position. Under the tactics of the goddess of earth elements and the goddess of water elements, dozens of people who had been besieged turned into a favorable situation and took the initiative.

And the goddess of water element didn't stop. With a wave of her hand, under her command, the water dragons began to attack, and there were circles of fog rising on the water. The dense fog blocked the island below, making it unreal to see.

Then, the water dragon and the Earth Dragon in the sky continue to divide, Tianbing Tianjiang divided into countless small camps, become fragmented, which is also the purpose of the two of them.

Divide the enemy's army directly into several small camps, or attack through broken camps. Moreover, the memory in Li Zhi's mind has been added to the God of nine elements.

Now it can be said that they are not the original western goddesses, but the goddesses who understand the Oriental knowledge. The Earth Dragon and the water dragon in the sky together, each of them has four. The eight water dragons and the Earth Dragon divide the heavenly soldiers and generals into eight camps.

In fact, it seems to break them, but relying on the power of the water dragon and the Earth Dragon, an array is formed in the middle of the air. This is the appearance of the eight trigrams array, which is divided into eight camps.

The eight trigrams array is divided into two gates: life and death. Both the life gate and the death gate have different powers. The one who enters the life gate may not live, and the one who enters the death gate may not die. Even those who know the array enter from the life gate may directly become the Death Gate.

At this time, the heavenly soldiers and generals in the sky were a little flustered. At the bottom, Li Zhi's hands touched the string again, and the heart shaking sound of the piano appeared again.

Although they are not as strong as before, they are still in a daze, their spirits are not stable, and their chest is also filled with evil Qi. This is only one aspect. On the other hand, when they are still resisting the sound of the piano, the killing opportunity has appeared.

At this moment, the God of space, that is, the little old man, was wearing a silver robe and holding a staff in his hand. He stroked his beard. Suddenly, his body swayed and countless black holes appeared in the mid air.

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