Not as powerful as he imagined, he relied on his armor and didn't defend himself. He cut Qiongxiao with a big sword.

Bixiao knew that the big sword was very powerful and hard to dodge. Now she used her defense ability. The sword was cut on the special defense ability of Qiongxiao sorcery. After the sword was cut, there was a ripple, and then a ripple, which turned into the original appearance.

The White Emperor was shocked by his own strength. He stepped back a few steps, and the sharp breath on his face disappeared a lot. A little surprise flashed in his eyes. He didn't expect that the witch woman's defense was so strong that she bounced back her attack, and his fighting spirit immediately increased.

Qiongxiao knows that Baidi's attack is fierce. If she blindly defends, she will be very passive. She stands and escapes, leading Baidi to the direction of Huangji island. Long before Qiongxiao, Princess Longji had already led Red Emperor to Huangji island.

Princess Longji remembers Li Zhi's command that her cultivation is not as good as that of Red Emperor, so she takes advantage of the power of Huangji island to win. Even if she can't win, she only needs to stick to it until Sanxiao, and then she will join hands with him again.

Li Zhi's tactics are to entangle Haotian and Jinmu first, and Sanxiao and Longji will fight against Sifang Xiandi. Yunxiao has the highest cultivation and three-star lock, so there should be a chance to win against Zhunsheng in the early stage.

Bi Xiao and Qiong Xiao both hope to win. Princess Longji is left to procrastinate and wait for time. After the last four immortals are killed, they will face Jinmu and Haotian together.

And Li Zhi also told them that no matter how safe they were, if they couldn't fight, they would run back to Huangji Island, even if they couldn't fight themselves.

There are many super era weapons in the imperial islands. If those weapons are separated from the imperial islands, the attack power may not be good, but if they are attacked on the imperial islands, even the quasi saints can deal with them.

In fact, since Li Zhi got the imperial Island, he has ordered people to hold a memorial ceremony. He can control those organs on the imperial Island, whether it's Liangyi array or Bodhi array. These two arrays are the best protection for the people on the island.

In contrast, those intelligent weapons, not to mention, can attack invaders at any time. Before that, Li Zhi had planned to transport the long established bases in Chaoge to Huangji island.

There are heavy weapons in those bases, and those weapons are even more powerful, and there are the whole team of scientists, which is equivalent to a large military defense base.

Li Zhi once planned to arrange these things on the imperial islands in batches. When the war between the two peoples was over, he could carry out this plan. But who could have thought that the heaven would suddenly burst?

If you take all the weapons from those bases, even the former generals can be killed easily. After this battle, Li Zhi thought that in order to fight in the future, he should move all the advanced weapons.

In the Huangji Island, the Red Emperor found that Princess Longji was hiding in the Bodhi formation. Of course, he didn't want to let her run away and pursue her all the way quickly. However, the various defenses on the Huangji island made the Red Emperor feel very uncomfortable, and Zhenyuan was also very expensive.

Moreover, as he walked, his divine consciousness began to blur, but after all, there was damage cultivation, which was not comparable to that of the heavenly soldiers and generals. After discovering the strangeness, the Red Emperor waved to the bodhi tree and caused a fire to wipe out a piece of bodhi tree.

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