How can we know that the fire ring is getting smaller and smaller, and Li Zhi is trapped in the high temperature. Li Zhi's body can be refined and sublimated at any time. However, in this oppression and Li Zhi's divine consciousness, the lonely things begin to change.

Lu Ya finds that Li Zhi's figure is blurred. He takes a look at the treasure of chaos in the sky. His eyes are warm-blooded. When he is in chaos, he has already got three thousand gods and demons. Only a few of them are intelligent. They didn't attack Pangu to seize the opportunity, so they survived.

But he was still scratched by Pan Gu, so that he had to reincarnate and rebuild, and he also approved three disasters for Pan Gu, that is to say, there were three disasters in his life, which made his cultivation retrogressive and inferior to his peers.

Now, with the help of the heaven and earth tripod and chaos treasure, he can achieve the realm of Hunyuan Da Luo Jin Xian. At this time, the chaos treasure of the dirty blood technique seems to have no support and slowly flies into the mid air.

Lu Ya's heart was tight and he flew to the treasure of chaos. However, just as he approached the treasure of chaos, a terrible crisis came from the divine consciousness.

Lu Ya is very cautious in his work, but he still can't resist the temptation when he is faced with this congenital treasure. He immediately wants to catch the treasure of chaos, but when he meets the treasure of chaos, there is a person in front of him, the real emperor.

No, it should be said that it's the emperor. Where does he come from? Lu Ya was shocked and decided to fly back. But Li Zhi's speed was so much faster than him that he suddenly appeared behind him.

Lu retreated so fast that he couldn't flash any more. Before he could react, he turned his palms into fists and hit back, becoming a huge body. The huge claws turned into fists and grasped each other.

Lu Ya tried hard to break Li Zhi's arm, but he couldn't pull it for a long time. From Li Zhi's body, Lu Ya's hand was shaken open.

The land pressure didn't react, so he felt a chill behind him. Then he had the attack power of the artillery and directly hit him in the sky. He couldn't help flying up.

But when he flew into the air, he didn't think that Li Zhi's speed was so fast that he couldn't react. Even if he flew up, Li Zhi's figure had already appeared on his head.

He raised his hands high and smashed them together. He hit Lu Ya's body. Lu Ya was hit down with a bang. Only these two times, Lu Ya felt that his body was going to be broken. He was very shocked.

However, in the process of falling, the figure was like lightning. It was extremely terrible that it kept beating on him, and directly hit him into the sea of fire. The power of land pressure in the environment of mountains, rivers, countries and countries was just the middle of the quasi holy period.

But because he broke out all the hidden things, now Lu Ya's real strength has reached the peak of Zhunsheng, but he didn't expect that Li Zhi had no power and lost all the magic weapons. How could he break out such a powerful force?

Just now, Lu Ya's physical shock made him feel the fear in his spirit. In fact, the most terrifying thing is that he has an extraordinary origin and a wide range of knowledge. How many people have reached the peak of Zhunsheng in 10000 years? Just because of this, we can realize the power of Li Zhi now.

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