Immortal xuanhuang saw that Jia Yi attached Yang Jian and controlled him. He was scared out of his wits and wanted to run. Before he ran far away, a golden light flashed through his chest. Immortal xuanhuang fell to the ground with a scream.

When xuanhuang's life and death were at stake, he used Zhenyuan to seal the wound and free himself from the three pointed and two edged sword. As soon as the figure flashed, Yang Jian appeared, and a hand with the breath of death came out.

At the same time, the liquid still in xuanhuang's body began to echo with Yang Jian's strength, and destroyed his body. Xuanhuang was unwilling to face death, but he was still unwilling to face death.

After solving the problem of xuanhuang, Yang Jian turns around and goes to the shining place. Yang Jian seems to know the mystery. After a long flight, he can't find a place. Yang Jian seems to know it.

Flying into the mid air, he watched a whip float in the mid air. When Yang Jian was about to take the whip, suddenly, the golden light of the whip sent out a strange force, which imprisoned Yang Jian in the mid air.

Then the breath of destruction came out, and Yang Jian quickly turned nine turns to protect his body. At this time, there was a sudden sound of the whip, and the whole world trembled. Yang Jian's figure flew backward and fell to the ground wobbly.

Although his body is shining with gold, he has suffered terrible scars. He can only stand on the ground with a three pointed and two edged knife. After a few deep breaths, his pupils glitter with gold, his white pupils turn into gold, and his body also shows white light.

After the white light falls to the ground, it turns into Jia Yi's appearance. Jia Yi's indifferent face is a bit frustrated. Just now, when immortal xuanhuang attacked Yang Jian with a Seven Star Bracelet, Yang Jian's defense relaxed, and she seized the opportunity to take advantage of it.

Later, Yang Jian took the power of xuanhuang Ling and Seven Star Bracelet, eroded Yang Jian's body and controlled him. Later, she was surprised. Before she could control Yang Jian, Yang Jian had already started to kill xuanhuang.

On the surface, Yang Jian was controlled, but Jia Yi knew that everything was fake just now, and Yang Jian did it on his own initiative.

Just now that terrible explosion made Jia Yi also suffered a shock and lost a lot of strength. When she wanted to take advantage of Yang Jian's injury to devour it, Yang Jian's resistance increased ten times, and Jia Yi instinctively felt the danger.

Finally, he could not stay in his body and retreated. Yang Jian yelled: "manual!"

When the three pointed and two edged sword attacks, a has a broad sword in his hand to resist the attack of the three pointed and two edged sword. To Jia Yi's surprise, Yang Jian's strength is very low this time. Yang Jian is defeated and runs away.

Originally, he couldn't get out of the secret realm, but as soon as Jia followed Yang Jian all the way, he went out of the secret realm with seven turns and eight turns. It seemed that Yang Jian was going to work hard and burst out with great strength.

A some accident, in the bloody struggle under the pressure, he can not play a powerful force, immediately fled past, Yang Jian chased a few steps, as if unable to catch up, and sat cross legged.

Jia Yi didn't dare to look back, changed his body shape by using the map given by the white crane boy, flew out of the yuxu palace, returned to the original place and combined with Yin Hong.

I didn't expect that the magic whip was not in the secret of chaos at all. It was probably because Yuanshi Tianzun had learned a lesson before he made a mystery. Jiayi also knew that now he should report to Li Zhi quickly.

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