From the last time he was injured by a fake whiplash explosion in chaos, Jia Yi was much more careful. Through analysis, it is estimated that the treasure Pavilion is also a trap, and it is to lure her to come.

From my memory, the place Haotian went to most recently is the Tianhua Temple next to Lingxiao hall. Even when he steals 0 feelings, he will be there.

What is different from the past is that Haotian will steal love from all kinds of places, but this time he only chooses to be in the temple of Tianhua. According to the analysis of a, this may be the real hiding place of whip.

The temple of Tianhua is close at hand. The defense here is much tighter than that in other places. As soon as a guesses, it is estimated that this place may be the place where treasures are hidden.

However, the layout inside the Tianhua temple is more strict than that outside, and there are powerful masters like Haotian. The most important thing is that Jia Yi doesn't know where Haotian hid his whip?

As he ran inside, he began to think about it. Suddenly, the sound of explosion sounded, and the fire soared into the sky. In an instant, it exploded next to the treasure house. Even the guards around the treasure house were in chaos.

The heavenly soldiers and generals of Tianhua temple were surprised. Haotian's figure also appeared in the treasure house. It seemed that he was looking inside. As soon as a found that Haotian was empty handed and didn't have a whip.

And she also knew that the whip could not be put into her body, so she was probably hiding in the building. Haotian observes the distance, suddenly the explosion is ringing, the location is another hall, the whole hall is in chaos.

Then the sound of explosion was heard all the way to the temple of Tianhua. The explosion was also very powerful and powerful.

At this time, the blasting sound and shock wave are everywhere. The heavenly soldiers in the temple of Tianhua will be blown to pieces, and the explosion continues. He doesn't care about his dead Hao Tiansi, but he is holding a magic weapon in his hand to guard the hall.

The sound of the explosion was getting closer and closer, and many treasures and buildings were smashed. At this time, a ray of light flashed and flew in front of a streamer. One day, a general would fly up and protect himself. He was blown to pieces, and a small part flew to the front of Haotian.

Haotian's face still doesn't move. The mirror of Haotian in his hand looks at the broken arm. Suddenly, the arm turns into a blood mist. Haotian takes a look at the bloodstain. There is nothing abnormal and continues to observe the front.

Just at this time, a strange laughter appeared, and the laughter gradually went away. When he went away, the sound of explosion could not be heard. Hao was naturally suspicious, and found that when the laughter went away, he was hesitant.

After the laughter disappeared, he opened the door and went out. He came to a wall and began to move a strange picture and text in the room with his hand, as if he was opening the password.

Suddenly, the door is opened and another space appears. Haotian walks in and out with a relaxed look on his face. Suddenly, Haotian feels that something is wrong and dangerous! Looking around, I found nothing special.

And out of the door, in fact, even if Haotian cautious also can't find, the blood on the wall has quietly sneaked into the room he just entered.

According to Tian Jiang, the explosion was not as serious as he thought, it was just a bluff. It caused some damage to Qionglou Yuyu, but it was OK.

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