The lobster general stood on the cloud and said angrily to Li Zhi: "Wu that thief! How dare you stop the Dragon King from raining! How bold! General lobster will kill you today

Li Zhi glanced at his mental strength and felt relieved.

The cultivation of lobster in front of us should be in the realm of returning to emptiness. We haven't reached the level of robbing!

Before Li Zhi could speak, Li Jing, with a long sword in his hand, pointed to the shrimps and crabs in front of him and said, "this is the emperor! You are so brave! It's disrespectful to the emperor

Before the Zhou Dynasty, all emperors were human emperors.

After Zhou Li, he became the emperor.

King Wu of the Zhou Dynasty claimed to be the son of heaven. It seems nice, but he has given himself up.

Lobster obviously did not expect that the person in front of him was the emperor!

He hesitated for a moment. After all, he had a clear idea of the emperor's status

I was arrogant just now. I dare not say anything now.

The lobster general looked at Li Jing and said, "hum! When my king comes to share with you, I will have you

Then he retreated

"What a egghead..."

Nezha shook his little head. The little adult looked very lovely.

"Silence! It's not a good thing. "

Li Zhi is dying of pain. Where did Nezha learn these common words?

After lobster left, Li Zhipo looked at his back regretfully.

Li Zhi: "third brother, how to make lobster delicious?"

Peng Xuan: "burn it."

Li Jing: "Your Majesty, it's good to bake."


A cloud came from the distance.

Standing on top of the blue clouds is the Dragon King. He is tall, with a dragon head, a golden dragon crown on his head, and a robe embroidered with a self portrait on his chest. Behind them were two maids holding the canopy.

The Dragon King flew straight behind the lobster general. He looked at Li Jing and said, "Li Jing! The time has come, you still don't hand over Nezha?! Do you want the people of chentangguan to bury your father and son? "

At this time, Li Jing already had the bottom in his heart. His majesty had already come, and he was still carrying such a powerful master. Naturally, he was not afraid!

Li Jing suddenly changed his attitude. Li Jing, who was originally a submissive man, suddenly said out loud: "what a bold Dragon King! You are so brave. You don't care about the rules of heaven, but also want to kill the people of chentangguan! Are you not afraid of cause and effect? "

After Li Jing finished his speech, he still perked up.

Li Zhi laughs at his appearance. That's what Li Jing is like. He likes to express himself. In fact, he is not good-natured and has a good temper. He also likes to watch and enjoy the wealth of the world. So Li Zhi thinks that people like Li Jing are very easy to control.

The Dragon King did not expect that Li Jing would suddenly change too much, so he saw the Dragon King roar: "well, you Li Jing, you can't believe what you said! In that case! Let's see if I can use my magic power to submerge chentangguan! "

Said the Dragon King will start.

Li Zhi stepped forward and coughed gently. His voice was not big, but the boat came to the Dragon King's ear in an instant. There was a sound like thunder in the Dragon King's ear.

With a frown, he was surprised at Li Zhi's accomplishments, but after all, the Dragon King of Jinxian realm was not afraid of Li Zhi, a little fairy.

But when the Dragon King looked at Li Zhi, he suddenly found that there was a bloody dragon around Li Zhi!

Nine blood dragons surround him and sing from time to time.

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