Emperor B announced in public the conferment of Shouwang as the crown prince, and the Conferment Ceremony will be held in the near future.

At the same time, the news has been spread all over the world except for the four princes and 800 princes!

And there is another piece of news, that is, the daughter of Huang gun (the father of Huang Feihu), Miss Huang's family will marry the prince one day and serve as a side room( First, Mrs. Jiang was his wife.)

After hearing these two pieces of news, the two pieces of news made him deafened and enlightening. For a moment, it seemed that the sky was mixed up.

He shook and almost fell to the ground.

Weiziqi knows that the crown prince can't be a prince, but another beautiful thing can't be done.

However, neutrino Qi knows one thing, what must have happened after they left yesterday.

Mrs. Jiang and Mrs. Yang knelt down to Li Zhi with a smile: "Congratulations, your highness

Li Zhi picked up the two ladies and said to them, "the two ladies have worked hard."

A thousand words are not as sincere as this sentence. Both Yang and Jiang are happy to hear Li Zhi.

In the next few days, apart from staying in the mansion, Li Zhi went to the upper court, and Emperor B had been paying Li Zhi how to deal with state affairs.


A few days later, Li Zhi suddenly got a post, which was signed by Huang Feihu.

It was originally intended to go hunting in the suburbs with Li Zhi.

Li Zhi looked at the post and thought to himself, it seems that there is something happening in the Huang family. Should the Huang family be very tangled these days? Originally, he was in support of Weiziqi, but now Shouwang suddenly became the crown prince, and he became the in laws. Huang gun was almost crazy, and finally he had no choice but to accept the reality.

After reading the post, Li Zhi agreed without thinking about it,

The next day, Li Zhi and Huang Feihu came to the outskirts to gallop.

Li Zhi and Huang Feihu go hand in hand. Suddenly they both slow down.

I saw Huang Feihu bow his hand to Li Zhiyi,

"The day before yesterday, your highness performed in the main hall to drag the nine oxen upside down, and his ability of supporting beams and changing columns is really unparalleled! But I don't want your Highness's riding skill to be so exquisite! Just now, I intended to fight with the prince one by one, but I didn't expect that I won his highness even though I was holding the light of the five color God ox! "

Li Zhi said with a smile: "don't laugh at me, General Huang. Just when you and I were competing, I found that there was still a lot of room for the five color magic cow's foot strength. I think General Huang let me?"

Li Zhi is not stupid to know that he is just a prince. Huang Feihu dare not surpass him in order to save his face.

However, Huang Feihu said to Li Zhi with a serious face: "no, your highness, it's not my flattering words. Although your Highness's horse is a good horse, it's still a lot different from my horse, which is a five color cow! But his highness drives the horse smoothly, which really shocked Huang! "

"In fact, this is not my ability, but thanks to it."

Then Li Zhi pointed to the saddle above his BMW.

There is no saddle in this era. It's just a cushion on the mount with only one rein. Huang Feihu looks at the saddle under Li Zhi's seat with doubts.

After a long time, his eyes suddenly brightened,

Huang Feihu caressed his hands and praised: "Your Highness, these gods are really wonderful ideas!"

After all, Huang Feihu was a general on the March. He could not help but say to himself, "Your Highness, if these things were placed in our army, the combat power of the cavalry would be enhanced several times."

At this point, Huang Feihu turned over and bowed down to Li Zhi. He said excitedly: "Your Highness! I hope your highness will popularize it in the army. I know this is your Highness's secret. But if your highness teaches this method, the army will surely enhance the combat power of our business army! In the future, facing barbarians, Baiyue and others, there is no need to be afraid! "

Li Zhi smiles in his heart, waiting for your words!

He directly agreed to Huang Feihu, which Li Zhi intended to do.

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