Then Li Zhi said in a fierce voice: "I've already learned about the matter. I went to the sea to play and met your three princes. Your son suddenly attacked me. It's clear that your three princes were wrong first. Now I'm complaining like I am! What's more, although your prince is dead, he has done some good deeds. Just now, I have discussed with Nezha to distribute your child's flesh and blood to the suffering people. This is just a good deed! Instead of thanking our teachers and disciples for their help, you bite back. Good Ao Guang! Isn't it easy to bully people when they become emperor? "

When Li Zhi finished speaking, he secretly told Dapeng. At this time, Dapeng's eyes suddenly turned golden, and his eyes completely changed into the appearance of noumenon.

At the moment when the golden eyes appeared, they suddenly shone on AO Guang's body.

Looking at Ao Guang again, he suddenly became stiff and screamed. He showed his original shape directly. A blue dragon with a length of thousands of feet appeared in the air.

Peng Xuan beside Li Zhi rose in a flash and said to Ao Guang, "Ao Guang! Look who I am

Ao Guang was frightened by Peng Xuan's eyes. At this time, he looked at Peng Xuan.

Just behind Peng Xuan, a huge virtual shadow of the ROC appeared. The ROC spread its wings and spread out its wings! A sound came from Peng Xuan's mouth.

Aoguang knew who was in front of him, and quickly bowed in the air.

"Little dragon, meet Dapeng! See Mirs

The name of Mirs in the dragon, which do not know, which do not know?

It should be noted that Dapeng is the natural enemy of the dragon, which is a kind of suppression from the blood.

Even with the same accomplishments as Dapeng, I can't do my best to see Dapeng.

Besides, Ao Guang himself is a golden immortal. In the face of Peng Xuan, who has a great golden immortal, he can't resist at all. Li Zhi says to the Dragon King, "do you think clearly now, Dragon King? What should we do? "

Aoguang quickly said: "Xiao Wang knows, Xiao Wang knows this matter, dare not pursue."

Ao Guang is almost scared to pee. Why are you still investigating at this time? Tired of living?

Li Zhi turned his eyes and said to the Dragon King, "don't you dare to pursue it? Do you think I don't know that you will report to the emperor of heaven after I leave, and then you want to suppress me with the power of the emperor of heaven? But you are wrong. Today I will let Dapeng take your life! "

Peng Xuan reaches out his hand and plays a real yuan. The real yuan turns into a talon with the size of a thousand feet in the air and grabs the Dragon King. Ao Guang struggles after he is caught.

But it didn't help. He kept begging for mercy in the air and said, "I dare not, Xiao Wang dare not! Please forgive me

Li Zhi turned his eyes and said to the Dragon King, "Oh? How can I believe you? "

The Dragon King quickly said: "Xiao Wang gives the dragon ball. As long as the dragon ball is in hand, the emperor can control my life at any time!"

Li Zhi pondered for a while: "that's good. Bring the dragon ball."

He said to Peng Xuan: "don't do it first."

Li Zhi did this for the sake of the future God wars. Although the cultivation of the Dragon King is not high, he represents the forces of the four seas, and there are many soldiers among them. If there is the help of the Dragon King of the four seas, there will be more chances of victory.

Now Li Zhi has been trying to expand his power, so he spared the Dragon King.

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