Then Li Zhibian and Yue Linglong narrated.

It turns out that Li Zhi carried out these new policies in Chaoge, compared with two years ago. Today's Chaoge seems to have become a different look.

It can be said that if you had been to chaogede two years ago, you would not know the capital when you came here again.

The capital city has completely changed into a different one.

In Li Zhi's opinion, the original Chaoge is at most a small county.

It's still a very small county.

However, the implementation of the new deal in Li Zhi in the past two years has brought about earth shaking changes in the whole Zhaoge city. The original city wall of the whole capital has been overthrown and rebuilt.

Today's Chaoge is more than five times bigger than before.

The original song, although it is the capital of the emperor.

But the population is less than 200000.

Under the change of Li Zhi, there are about one million people in Chaoge now!

And on the wall of Chaoge, there are a number of turrets shining with silver metal!

These weapons are exactly the achievements of the Ministry of industry over the years!

Looking at those rude cannon, Li Zhicai knows one thing! The wisdom of the ancients is absolutely not low!

However, they did not have rich knowledge, which caused the later generations to think that the wisdom of the ancients was inferior to that of later generations.

On the contrary, in Li Zhi's view, the ancients were far more intelligent than later generations!

Especially in the later generations of Li Zhi, the emergence of AI makes the thinking of later generations become lazy and the intelligence degenerates seriously.

A lot of new humans have appeared. New humans are those children who have been exposed to AI intelligence since they were born. Their appearance is different from that of decades ago. They have rickets, unbending elbows, and spines on the back for balance

In a word, Li Zhi thinks that the appearance of AI is the biggest mistake of mankind.

After Li Zhi's advanced knowledge was promoted, the Ministry of work combined the intelligent mind and advanced knowledge.

Every day, all kinds of surprises come from the work department.

Today's Chaoge is very prosperous. There are countless shops selling and buying.

Moreover, considering the future situation, Li Zhi built the whole Chaoge city into a modern city.

Sewers, drainage systems, steam systems.

Steam is the highest technology used by Li Zhi.

What's more, Li Zhi found that steam may not evolve into an era of electric energy. He found that a particularly interesting thing is that steam will continue to develop to the high end, and it will be a different attitude.

It is no less advanced than the electric energy era, and it is also a very advanced direction, and there will be no anti human evolution at all.

The residents in Chaoge were full of laughter.

They are now in the same words - very happy.

Because now Chaoge is so prosperous that they dare not even think about it.

Who can and who can think of the present Chaoge, which has become twice the same as before?

Just talking about the development of Commerce, because the four books of merit promoted by Li Zhi opened the door to wisdom, these ancients even drew inferences about business management.

Smart ancient people developed commerce into a scene that Li Zhi couldn't believe.

Business? Big business? Li Zhi once thought that the name of big business has something to do with business?

Moreover, Li Zhi also knows that it is not good to just develop commerce, that is to squeeze people's struggle and interest.

Therefore, all kinds of entertainment facilities are also out of Li Zhi's hands. Of course, some men and women are happy and so on. Li Zhi firmly opposes them.

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