Originally, he could have been an immortal, but for the sake of big business, he broke into the killing and robbery alone, and died in the end. Fortunately, Li Zhi changed his dynasty, because his existence did not disappoint these loyal ministers.

Li Zhi took Wen Zhong's shoulder and said with some emotion: "I can't refuse the loyalty of the grand master, and I won't refuse it."

Hearing this, Zhong's face brightened and he no longer bowed to Li Zhi. "Thank you, your majesty!"

Li Zhi tells Wen Zhong that he wants to fight in the heaven. Wen Zhong is frightened, but he is not afraid. Li Zhi asks Wen Zhong to go back to the palace and prepare for it. Then he goes to Huangji island.

After hearing that Wen Zhong is going to leave tomorrow, he leaves immediately. In fact, Wen Zhong is useless in dealing with heaven. But let's have more people and more strength. Li Zhi is certainly trustworthy of Wen Zhong.

The next day, Li Zhi took Jiang Xianrou and others to the outside of the city. This time, Li Zhi had Jiang Xianrou, Yang Jiumei, Huang Jiaoyang, Yue Linglong, Jin Feng, Fei Yuhe, Deng Chanyu and others around him. Nezha also came.

Yue Linglong himself is still in Baiyue, but the world has calmed down. Baiyue no longer exists. It has directly become a county of big business. Now, Yue Nantian, the original king of Baiyue, presides over Baiyue.

Of course, Yue Linglong was taken back to Chaoge, which also fulfilled the promise of that year. Several other people, Li Zhi, were a little surprised because Xuanyuan and Shennong came.

Li Zhi quickly said: "two holy emperors, you are still alive. Why did you come here?"

Shennong said with a smile: "if I don't come at such a time, won't I regret all my life? What's more, Haotian and we have already formed a cause and effect. We need to ask for a refund. Of course, we can't be absent. "

Xuanyuan said: "don't worry, your majesty. Although our strength has been damaged, we have recovered a lot. We have the power to protect ourselves. We will never drag your majesty down."

Li Zhi said quickly: "the emperor misunderstood! How can we say it's a drag? "

Before Li Zhi finished speaking, there was the sound of horse's hooves. Then a lot of people came, and there were still a lot of people. I saw Zhong walking in, and there were many people behind him. Li Zhi was no stranger to these people.

Morliqing, morlihong, and morlishou are the four generals of the magic family, as well as Chen Qi, Yu De, and Zheng Lun. Zheng Lun had been studying arts in Kowloon island for some time before, but now he is back in the battle of Dashang.

These people are all strange people in the big business, each with magic. Of course, Zhang Kui and his wife are not here. There are many people with low accomplishments who are directly brushed down by Wen Zhong. This time, they are also very selective.

This group of people appeared, Li Zhi also a little unexpected: "Er, what are you?"

After seeing a group of people, Wen Zhong took them to bow down and said, "the last general and others are willing to follow your majesty and treat death like death!"

Looking at all the people kneeling on the ground in front of him, especially the determination in their eyes, makes Li Zhi feel blood boiling, tears in his eyes, and pride in his heart.

After the moisture in his eyes disappeared, he said, "OK! Let's deal with the heavenly court with one mind

A moment later, a huge steel warship appeared at the door. The surface of the warship flashed, and blue flames shot out from behind. In a flash, it disappeared.

Hearing that Zhong and all the generals were staying in the middle of the warship, they were also surprised to see the scenery. Fuxi and others were also surprised. Kong Xuan and others had been sitting many times.

Wen Zhong was full of praise at the moment: "Your Majesty, this magic weapon is wonderful. It can also carry people. We don't need magic power."

Xuanyuan also said: "this thing has no magic power fluctuation. It must not be a magic weapon. Is it made by your majesty?"

This thing is actually made by the emperor? Wen Zhong and others were surprised. It is estimated that the cannon of shenbingfang was played by children. Li Zhi nodded and did not speak.

Nezha raised his small face and looked at the appearance of the local buns. He said with disdain, "what is this? In a moment, you will go to Huangji island and have a lot of fun! "

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