Of course, it is Yunzi who displays the fire pillar of Jiulong spirit. Yunzi hears Wenzhong's scolding and sighs in silence. This time, Yunzi comes from various caves to help heaven.

It is because the Antarctic fairy called over in the name of Yuanshi Tianzun with three treasures of Ruyi, and sneak attacks are also the orders of the Antarctic fairy passed down by Yuanshi Tianzun.

Not far away, the black rain is also fighting fiercely. The power of the red rain is higher than that of the black rain, but the black rain is highly skilled, which is comparable to him.

The red rain and the black rain passed through the window and turned into the appearance of a red pine nut. However, his Taoist robes were like beggars, ragged and charred.

The black rain stopped and turned into Fei Lian and his wife. There was no damage on their clothes, but they were very tired.

Chi Songzi felt that his accomplishments were higher than those of Fei Lian and his wife. In addition, he was stronger than them. Because they were oppressed by the power of heaven, they were able to win with one against two.

Unexpectedly, the other side's water control is very clever, and he turns his power into his own use. Fei Lianfu has a very good understanding, and their joint strength doubles. Junichiro tries his best, but he can't win.

It's a pity that his strongest water body was broken by Luo Xuan in the immortal array. Otherwise, he was sure to win today. After taking a pill, Chi Songzi turned into a red dragon again and rushed at Fei Lian.

In the process of retrogression, Feilian becomes the cry of a giant bird. There is a boundless hurricane beside Feilian. Then he changes his shape. A bird headed deer, a strange deer with wings, appears and flies towards the red dragon in the sky.

The red dragon fights with the giant birds and monsters. One moment, it turns into the three of them, the other into the dragon, and the other into various forms. How dare the heavenly soldiers and generals approach? They have been far away from each other for a long time. They fight.

In the sacred fire column of cloud neutron, it emits blazing power. Wen Zhong and others feel that the situation is critical. The power of Tongtian sacred fire column is not an ordinary array, which can be easily avoided. In addition, the cultivation of the people inside is not high, so they are burned to ashes by the sacred fire column.

At this time, Fei Lian and his wife and Chi Songzi, who were fighting in the air, felt the hot power and hid down together. Looking carefully, it seemed that the red power was suppressed. In fact, the red power was suppressed and fell down involuntarily.

There was a loud bang, as if something had fallen into the fire pillar of Tongtian God, and the black wind and rain quickly dispersed at the moment when the red rain entered the fire pillar of Tongtian God, and became the appearance of Feilian couple, but their faces were pale.

Cloud neutron found the same door after the red pine nut, surprised, quickly to stop the fire, suddenly, found that the flame directly up, the red pine nut in the flame is safe.

Red pine son sneered: "you use the secret method to improve your strength. You want me and Tongtian shenhuozhu to fight against each other. You don't know that I'm the body of water. I'm not afraid of ordinary fire!"

As soon as the words came to an end, his face suddenly became terrible, and then his body seemed to become rigid. He could only float in the air by the power of divine fire, and then his body seemed to split.

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