The bloody cloud is illuminated by the Haotian mirror in Haotian's hand and disappears without a trace. Haotian, together with Haotian mirror and Haotian sword, traps Yunxiao and Qiongxiao.

Black emperor found gold mother, gnashing his teeth to rush over, know each other's poison is stronger than himself, can't resist, heart shocked, Princess Longji put out her white light sword blocked gold mother's way.

Yinglong and Feilian are ordered by Yunxiao to repel the nearby heavenly soldiers and escort Yude to withdraw first.

"Well, you bitch! Dare you do it to me Gold mother found the opposite Princess Longji, anger, a wave of hands, white light in the hands of the emergence, countless light appeared.

At the same time, a golden sword appeared in her hand and flew to Princess Longji. Although Princess Longji was afraid of Jinmu, she had to beat out her two dragon sword and entangle it with the golden sword.

On this side, when Ying Long finds out that Jin Mu is attacking Princess Longji, he thinks about Li Ran. He can't help but turn into a white light. With a cold breath, he rushes to Jin Mu.

Of course, the gold mother is not afraid of Yinglong and other people with low accomplishments. She quickly uses her means. Although Yinglong is injured, she is still fighting desperately.

Feilian and his wife on the other side use the skill of wind and rain to repel the generals. While protecting Wen Zhong, they flee first. Suddenly, a crystal light flies around among the generals. Feilian is extremely alert and turns into a streamer to escape.

However, the Jingguang was so powerful that he hit Heifeng directly and beat Heifeng out of his wits. Feilian's wife was about to take revenge, but the crystal light came again. Although Feilian's wife was prepared, she still couldn't escape and was killed on the spot.

As soon as the gold mother saw it, she cried out happily, "emperor, please help me!"

A roar came from the distant sky, and the celestial soldiers and generals along the way flew to both sides in a flash. The nearest celestial soldiers and generals were all killed by violent attack. The Antarctic fairy man used his three treasures Ruyi to sneak attack and kill the Feilian couple, and took out five fire and seven bird fans to face them.

It is this:

"The emperor is scheming for the world,

The old minister followed him to heaven.

It's hard to escape the evil of Antarctica,

Go on the list of gods. "

Poor Wen Zhong, though he has avoided the difficulties in the world, can't escape after all. He turns into ashes immediately. When the blood light approaches Wen Zhong and others, he is furious.

The Antarctic fairy felt the terrible murderous spirit of the people behind him. He was frightened. Ignoring the cry of Jinmu, Sanbao Ruyi beat back and began to run.

However, the man who came after him didn't know what the means was. A blue light directly set the three treasures in the middle of the sky, and his body accelerated again. The Antarctic fairy felt that his back was approaching. He was so scared that he cried out: "master, help me!"

The bloody light stopped, but he didn't stay long. He came after him again, and a colorful attack hit the Antarctic fairy. The Antarctic fairy cried out, and there was no response around him. His face was not reconciled.

"Why? Why? " The Antarctic fairy felt that his body was floating in the middle of the sky, but his body had thinned up and slowly flew around.

"Master!" The Antarctic fairy did not want to cry. Before he finished, his body thumped and exploded into countless particles. After Li Zhi solved the problem, he did not stop and flew to Jinmu and Haotian.

At this time, the bell rings. Even the people here feel their hearts tremble. When they hear the sound approaching, Haotian Jinmu also finds out Li Zhi's arrival. Now the chaos bell also rings.

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