When Jin Mu and Hao Tian are about to use the heavenly soldiers to escape, they suddenly see a huge dog on Jin Mu's head and bite her with a big mouth open.

Jinmu's cultivation is extraordinary. The big dog that the sword is facing cuts down. The big dog flashes, whines and disappears. However, just as Jinmu repels the big dog, two golden lights rush towards Haotian's back.

Jinmu used to be protected by the plain cloud flag before, but now she lost the plain cloud flag. She felt uncomfortable and knew that danger was coming, but her reaction was slow. Her shoulder was pierced and her blood was splashed.

Haotian's reaction was much faster, and she escaped the golden light. With a scream, Jin Mu saw the three two edged knives revealed from her shoulder. She gritted her teeth and said, "Yang Jian! It's you

The power of the fruit position controlled by Jinmu is much weaker, and the recovery speed is much slower. The blood from the body is recovered, but the wound has not been healed.

What made her angry was that the sage of elucidation ordered Yang Jian to rebel against them at this time. Yang Jian's figure appeared in front of her, blocking Haotian and Jinmu. The three two edged swords turned into a golden light and caught her again.

Yang Jian said in a cold voice: "the hatred of my parents is unbearable. Today I will kill you and pay for my parents!"

After Haotian and Jinmu are blocked by Yang Jian, Kong Xuan Xingtian also catches up. He is surprised to see Yang Jian, but he knows that this is not the time to inquire about the reasons. He needs to destroy Haotian and Jinmu immediately.

"You bastard dare to attack me! You are really cruel With a ferocious look on her face, Jin Mu looked at Kong Xuan, "do you think you can really kill me? Do you think I don't have a second chance? "

Then a charm appeared in her hand. The surface of the charm was golden, and her expression became cold. There was an immortal flying out in front of Yang Jian. There was only real immortal realm, but there was the power of fruit position.

It's strange that this immortal even attracted countless heavenly soldiers and generals. The heavenly soldiers and generals were glued together and became a huge human shape. His eyes sent out strange blood light.

Yang Jian frowns. The scene is a bit strange. He instinctively feels the danger. He cuts the strange immortal with a three pointed and two edged knife. The immortal feels Yang Jian's attack. He doesn't move, but smiles on his face.

However, when Yang Jian's attack touched his body, it triggered a chain reaction. The roaring voice sounded, and his body exploded, including the heavenly soldiers and generals who were absorbed by him.

The power of the explosion was extremely fierce, and it was also a special kind of damage. In that kind of damage, Kong Xuan couldn't carry enough light to protect his body. Yang Jian was caught off guard and was shocked to fly away.

If it wasn't for his nine turn Xuangong, I'm afraid he would have suffered great damage this time, because the nine turn Xuangong protected his body, so there was not much damage.

However, those heavenly soldiers and generals around him were miserable. Suddenly, the encirclement expanded a lot, and many people died under the power of explosion. Kong Xuan also saw that the immortal had the power of fruit position, which was directly detonated by Jinmu.

Then the heavenly soldiers and generals stick to their bodies, which leads to the law of self explosion. The power of this explosion is very powerful because people with fruit power explode themselves. Each time, they only need to sacrifice an immortal with fruit power to explode directly.

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