The difference is that this time the sun is not golden, but soft and incomparable white light. It's very comfortable to fall on the body, and even the spirit is excited. Under the light of the Milky ten suns, those absorbed people are recovering.

The nearest fairy with seven emotions and six desires recognized Princess Longji, who was in control of the fruit position. She also remembered that she had just been used as a bomb and nearly disappeared. She knelt down gratefully: "thank you for saving my life, Princess!"

His voice spread all over the fifth heaven: "thank you, Princess!"

After finishing, Princess Longji felt very weak and even fell down. She was held by Li Zhi. Princess Longji laughed at him: "husband, I'm sorry, I can't

But Li Zhi covered her mouth: "what you've done is very good, much better than what I've done. I'm proud of you."

This is the voice of Fuxi. It's just propaganda.

According to Fuxi, Haotian and Jinmu were rampant, which made life miserable. This attack on Tianting was in accordance with the way of heaven. The new emperor of heaven is the emperor level real person and dragon riding princess, and will eventually replace Haotian and Jinmu as the new emperor of heaven.

Just now, the power of Guowei is good. It proves that with the blessing of Guowei, he is no longer under the control and persecution of Haotian and Jinmu. Fuxi is also sending a message to Li Zhi to make a speech quickly.

Li Zhi had no choice but to give a speech. After all, he was the emperor of the world. For him, speech was easy to handle and he knew a lot about people's hearts.

Especially those heavenly soldiers and generals, after the shock just now, Li Zhi said that I would not abandon my robes, which aroused the resonance of heavenly soldiers and generals.

The destruction of Jinmu and the lifting of everyone's curse became a promise, which excited the generals and immortals. Li Zhi's strength in the past made the generals admire him.

What's more, Princess Longji showed the power of fruit position. With the help of grace and power, the heavenly soldiers and generals soon agreed with them, and the next thing was easy to do.

Under the mobilization of Fei Yuhe and others, the immortal people and the heavenly soldiers and generals were directly recruited, and the wounded also began to receive direct treatment. In fact, so many heavenly soldiers and generals were not all trained and promoted by the next generation.

Many of them are nurtured by the forces of heaven and fruition. After screening, they become heavenly soldiers and generals. They are controlled by the forces of fruition, so they can't resist heaven.

However, many of those immortals and generals were sent up or extradited. In this war, the emperor level Island won a great victory, although it damaged many people, such as Wen Taishi, Fei Lian and others, which made Li Zhilian very sad.

At this time, Princess Longji also needed time to recover, and wanted to refine the power of heaven's fruit position earlier. What she had gained before was the northern eight heaven, four heaven's fruit position power controlled by Heidi, and a small part of the power including 33 heaven's.

Moreover, since her birth, Princess Longji has been able to arouse the fruiting power of heaven. It can be said that this awakening of power has benefited Princess Longji a lot.

Unless you really kill Princess Longji, even Haotian and Jinmu will not be able to regain the fruit power. As long as Princess Longji can refine the fruit power in her body, the rest of the matter can be solved slowly.

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