The appearance of Kong Xuan and Xing Tian made Haotian and Jin Mu's heart sink. Compared with that, Li Zhi was inspired. When the queen mother of the West met Kong Xuan and Xing Tian in Kunlun mountain.

Kong Xuan and Xing Tian also met with the queen mother of the West in fanghu Xianshan. They knew about Li Zhi and the queen mother of the west, and knew that the sister-in-law had flesh and blood. They didn't dare to neglect her. They saluted directly and called her sister-in-law orally.

The queen mother of the West was called like this for the first time. She blushed with shame, but she was very happy. She hurried back to Li Zhihuai and saw four people as if there were no one else. The soldiers and generals around her seemed to be nothing in other people's eyes.

In particular, the coquettish and adoring manner of Queen Mother Xi to Li Zhi made Haotian jealous and mad. Jin's eyes fell on Yang Jian: "do you know they are coming?"

Ignoring Jin Mu's eyes, Yang Jian said slowly: "of course, when I cracked the great destruction array, the army led by Princess Longji had already broken through here and reached the central sky. Soon, millions of troops will attack Lingxiao hall and come towards you. Kim mu, one of the warlords I have arranged for you, what do you think? "

This speed is much faster than gold mother expected, gold mother panic said: "impossible! How can Princess Longji be so fast? "

Yang Jian said coldly, "have you forgotten? The Tianjiang you trust most is actually my mother's subordinate. I told him to surrender long ago! "

Li Zhi was overjoyed. On that day, he and Yang Jian dared to go to zhongyangtian and used the method of double cultivation to give the control of the whole imperial island to Princess Longji. Originally, they were worried that Princess Longji could not control it. Now they seem to be very relaxed. With the help of Yang Jian, they arrived at zhongyangtian faster than he thought.

Jinmu remembers that after Yaoji fairy was suppressed, her subordinates were disbanded, including many soldiers, and they were loyal to Jinmu.

Now many people are controlled by Jinmu with curse and poison. Unexpectedly, there are still people rebelling against her. Because of this reason and Yang Jian's scheming, many secrets have been discovered, including this time's great destruction.

"Sure enough, yao ji is the base of the humble life!" Just scolded a, Yang Jian already rushed to come over.

"Good! How dare you insult my mother, you vicious slut! You are doomed today Yang Jian's three pointed and two edged sword attacked, which made Jin Mu have to fight in a hurry.

Haotian finds that Li Zhi and others in front of him are shaking with their hands. The situation is gone. Why hasn't the saint appeared yet? Do you really want to burn both jade and stone? He's a little reluctant.

At this time, several rays of light came from the horizon, and the purple light in front of it was very fast. Haotian recognized that these were the Empresses of Sanxiao Island, Peng Xuan, Wu Gu Xian and others.

The emperor's real life is blessed. These people are highly cultivated, and their wives are beautiful. The most hateful thing is that Princess Longji and Queen Mother Xi have been accepted by him. What's the origin of this emperor's real life? Why haven't they heard of it before?

He is proud of the three realms. He doesn't know the origin of this man. The most important thing is that he is still restrained. Haotian feels that his hypothesis is becoming clearer and clearer. He is unwilling to yell at Li Zhi: "who are you?"

With a sneer, Li Zhi's Mana Shield disappeared, revealing his original appearance. Behind him, there were nine dragons encircling him, nine golden dragons encircling him, and these nine dragons were still with blood light.

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