Zhi Xiang's mouth was interrupted by Nu Wa. According to his experience, Nu Wa was unreasonable, so he didn't explain it. He said directly, "do you remember the gambling on that day?"

Seeing Li Zhi mention this, Nu Wa's eyes were even colder: "I didn't forget it!"

Just listen to Li Zhi say: "in this case, I have destroyed the Western Zhou Dynasty, the world has won, such fate, please follow the conditions, do not interfere in this matter."

Nu Wa sneered: "on that day, my gambling fight with you was to see if you could change your life against the heaven. Although you won in the world, it brought disaster to the heaven and let the heaven collapse. If the world does not exist, then you will still die.

You didn't win, how can I fulfill the conditions? Moreover, you once said that the dispute between sages let me join the party with fewer people and restrict the strength of both sides. I came here to fulfill my promise. "

Originally, Li Zhi also thought about Nu Wa's appearance. With the promise of that day and Fu Xi's relationship, plus Nu Wa's calculation by the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, she should be able to stop. How could he have thought that she would make such a forced excuse?

His resolute attitude made him unable to explain. Li Zhi even felt that he was trapped in a cocoon. When he proposed this condition, he did not expect such a situation.

Li Zhi said: "Niang Niang, you have the merit of mending heaven. Why do you ignore the living now? Have you lost your original intention? Is it because I have offended you in those years, and you have to deal with me for the sake of gambling, and ignore the common people? In that case, I'll do as you like today, so what? "

Nu Wa hesitated when she thought of Li Zhi's heroic words in the palace and his willingness to give up the cultivation of the throne in order to understand the common people. In addition, Fu Xi's voice in the divine consciousness just now.

Yuanshi Tianzun was afraid that Nuwa would change her mind and said: "Niang Niang, don't listen to this man's sophistry. If he really saved the people, he must have merits. At that time, Niang Niang can't have a hard time with him. If he succeeds, Niang Niang will lose to him. This man is bold and reckless, and once he wanted to destroy my orthodoxy. Who knows what conditions he will put forward?"

Nu Wa also thought of Li Zhi's disrespect for saints in Nu Wa temple. She hated him and didn't hesitate any more. She said: fight horizontally and vertically, and care after the war!

The leader of Tongtian sect also thought about the things that Nu Wa had helped him, and wanted to persuade him first. However, Nu Wa was already firm hearted at this time, so the leader of Tongtian sect had to give up. How to say, at present, there are three to three.

Among the six people, Lao Tzu did not show his strength, but he was the strongest one. Nu Wa was the weakest one among them. However, she was also a sage level master of Hunyuan Da Luo Jin Xian.

In the original world, although the leader of Tongtian was one against four, even though he was defeated, he was still proud. In Li Zhi's opinion, the strength of the leader of Tongtian should be above the two saints of Yuanshi Tianzun and the west, but he was weaker than Laozi.

Among the two saints in the west, zhunti's qibaomiaoshu and his other magic weapon liugenqingzhu are also extremely powerful. However, only six of the twelve grade Golden Lotus in the Taoist's hands were eaten by Li Zhi, which reduced his defense.

Although there is Qinglian baose flag, it is not very strong when dealing with sage level. Generally speaking, Li Zhi's strength is weaker.

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