Among the saints, if we only talk about the attack power, it should be the most powerful of the Tongtian sect leader, and the seven treasures wonderful tree of the zhunti Taoist also claims to be the most bizarre.

Lao Tzu's offensive and defensive skills give people a mellow feeling. It seems that there is no flaw. In fact, Lao Tzu's offensive power is different from that of Kong Xuan.

In the thirty-three days of heaven, the sage did not dare to let go, so Lao Tzu could fight against two with his skills. Of course, today the master of heaven and the zhunti Taoists have done their best, and Lao Tzu is also struggling.

It's impossible to use the magic power of Yiqi Sanqing in a short period of time. Moreover, the competition of Saint's power is not something that the avatar can bear.

When Laozi was attacked by Zhuxian sword and Qibao Miaoshu, the Linglong pagoda above his head seemed to shake. He was surprised. He pointed his Bianguai to the side, and the Taiji diagram suddenly gave out a strong light among the stars.

Zhunti Taoist turned the rainbow of qibaomiao tree into a rainbow. Suddenly, qibaomiao tree seemed to be affected by a strange force and scattered into a colorful light.

This is the first time that zhunti met after he got the seven treasures wonderful tree. I was a little surprised. When I saw this, I hit him with a flat crutch. Fortunately, zhunti still had six pure bamboos in his other hand, which were held up by six pure bamboos.

However, the six pure bamboos were changing. When they were holding the Bianguai, those bamboo sticks were going to turn into bamboo shoots. The zhunti Taoist was surprised. At this time, the leader of Tongtian sect broke free from the shackles of immortals, and the four swords of killing immortals flew out directly.

The chasing Laozi immediately turned to fight. The zhunti Taoist used his skills, and the seven treasure tree and six pure bamboo changed back to their original appearance. However, when the four swords of killing immortals attacked Laozi, they turned into four flames as if they were not controlled by themselves.

When Lao Tzu's face changed, he remembered that Hongjun had said the mystery of Taiji map, and exclaimed: "you must pay attention to your Taoist friends!"

This is the wonderful use of Taiji map. Each of the several inborn treasures has a magic power. Chaos clock has a powerful and unpredictable defense and attack, while Pangu banner has the function of phagocytosis, and even can devour everything. Chaos treasure has the ability to travel through time and space, and the heaven and earth tripod is invincible in defense.

In comparison, it seems that Taiji diagram is nothing special. At most, there is Taiji. However, the power of Taiji diagram is more than that. We can see from this.

Lao Tzu was able to divide the heaven and earth cauldron into nine cauldrons with the help of Taiji diagram. Although luoshuhetu and Yuding were helpful at that time, Taiji diagram played a major role. The biggest role of Taiji diagram was to weaken the energy of the magic weapon itself, even if it was a congenital magic weapon.

At that time, in order to save Sanxiao, Li Zhi used the nine cauldrons of heaven and earth tripod to fight against the Pangu banner of Yuanshi Tianzun. As a result, after the Golden Bridge fell, when Laozi came over, the Pangu banner had no strength, which was the function of Taiji diagram.

Of course, in this kind of confrontation, Lao Tzu can only use Taiji diagram. The magic weapon of Tongtian sect leader and others changed for a short time and weakened their attack power. After a long time, they still had to fall below. Moreover, the situation is very bad now. After all, he is facing two saints.

At this time, another congenital treasure, chaos treasure, is also under test. The main reason is that the master is too tired to use chaos treasure. Li Zhi plans to fly them into Guixu.

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