AI Lab controls one of them and contacts the people controlled by Li Zhi. In fact, these people have no consciousness, which is equivalent to a body.

I can't say much, but I brought back a small communicator, which is encrypted, even if it was taken away by others.

Li Zhi opened the communicator and directly solved the password. In practice, a metal disk appeared, and then the AI system started.

Then the AI system sent back a message: "master, you are here!"

Because the distance is too far, the sound can't be synchronized, but Li Zhi also hears AI's surprise, and can't help but praise that AI is really the pinnacle of artificial intelligence, and can evolve its own wisdom.

Li Zhi was very excited when he saw the AI Lab, and asked many questions.

"I asked you, where was your frozen Daji? Is it with you? Has the injury recovered? How did you set up the Li family? "

The AI Lab's answer is that the Daji they had protected came to Guixu after they were shown the map of the country. After arriving at this strange place, the AI Lab landed on a remote hill.

Because it takes a lot of energy to pass through the entrance, it almost can't sustain.

Fortunately, AI found that there was energy in the mountain.

Then the development and transformation, make their own energy slowly to be added.

By chance, AI found several monsters attacking their own places. Fortunately, the recovered weapons were also powerful, and many of them subdued the enemy.

Then AI controlled a way to control these monsters through experiments. In order to survive in this strange place, AI laboratory continuously developed energy on this basis and quietly built up armed forces.

And in the Guixu world, a lot of huge energy has taken place in the AI laboratory, which can be a super protection for the AI laboratory. Of course, during this period, he also encountered failures and was almost destroyed by other forces. Finally, it took more than 20 years to finally establish a force like Li Fu.

And then AI began to expand to the surrounding vision. At present, Li Fu's forces are equipped with advanced mechanical army in the future, and also control many puppet animals.

After that group of monsters, they are simply emotionless killing machines. There have been failures over the years.

We have also studied the sacred beasts and made targeted weapons. Even if we meet a powerful enemy, we can use the sea of men tactics to destroy the other side.

But because there was no way to use magic weapons in Guixu, those beasts were fighting against Li Fu with their own strength, and they didn't know Li Fu well, so the Legion played a strong fighting force, and they were invincible for a moment, destroying many forces.

Of course, some people are not willing to be killed, but are they really AI's opponents? Some of them are killed, some of them are refined into puppets, and the remaining valuable sites are also established as economic bases. Energy base.

AI has almost surpassed the wisdom of ordinary human beings, and that kind of wisdom still has the elite brains of all the scientists in Chaoge laboratory. Who is Chaoge laboratory? They are all super talents collected by Li Zhi.

And he is still growing steadily, so his wisdom, according to Li Zhi, is definitely more than anyone in the world, including those saints, and less than AI lab.

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