Poor strange cold hum a, did not speak, but secretly adjust the strength, will the old calm back, lest afraid of his plan will be seen, reveal flaws, this kind of situation is tiandaoren also unavoidably nervous.

Of course, what he is nervous about is not the outcome of the competition, but another thing, which has already been launched, the plan of him and Li Zhi.

The nearby fire toad laughed and said, "now the points of your three forces are almost the same. The battle of quasi saint is very important. When tiandaoyou fight against Tianshan Mountain, tiandaoyou will not be easy, will you?"

Heaven's people don't talk much with a smile.

On the challenge arena, Meng diejiao drinks. She is dressed in colorful clothes and wants to attack the opponent first. On the other side, all the disciples of manghuang sect are on the mountain.

Not everyone is watching the battle. Li Zhi and Taoist Chong are planning in a remote place. They set up an array around them to prevent people from peeping. Taoist Chong takes out a pill for Li Zhi.

"Lao Li, take the pill. It will detoxify you in a moment."

Li Zhi took the pill and didn't take it immediately. He asked, "are you ready?"

Taoist Chong nodded: "don't worry, it's ready. There is a stone in the master's hand to control the poison. As long as he crushes the stone, the stone in those people's hands will burst out.

With the number of stones these people are holding, they can be poisoned in the whole field. When the time comes, I will use the poison, and even the quasi saint will not be spared in case of attack.

However, the strength of the master of the sect, like the peak of Zhunsheng, certainly has no influence. Unfortunately, if the toxin area is used in a large scale, it needs the help of media, otherwise it will be discovered. "

Li Zhi took the pills and said with a smile, "well, after this, you must be famous in all directions. By then, the name of the first poison king of Guixu will be yours!"

Taoist insect laughed. He suddenly sighed and said, "Lao Li, I'm afraid I can't wait for that day."

Li Zhi was surprised and asked, "how can I say this?"

Outside, a voice from the side of the vagina rang: "aren't you resourceful? What's wrong? Or you have realized the time of death and want to delay time. No matter which one, you will die today! "

Li Zhi heard the voice, pretending to panic, said: "elder!"

Sure enough, the space moved, and Taotie came along with a sneer. His eyes flashed a fierce killing. Li Zhi didn't have a good idea and wanted to run, but he felt something was wrong in his body. He suddenly understood it, and his face changed.

Looking at the man, he said, "why? Why are you doing this to me? "

The insect Taoist showed regret on his face, but he didn't feel guilty: "sorry, Lao Li, it's the patriarch who let you die."

Li Zhi seemed to hear something incredible: "why? I've done so much for his advice. "

However, Taoist Chong didn't speak, but Taotie answered: "because your existence makes the patriarch feel uneasy. He thinks that one day when you are powerful, it will threaten his life, so he will get rid of you ahead of time. You plan such a plot to make contributions to the patriarch. If you even die here, isn't it perfect?"

Li Zhi stood there and said, "all birds are gone, good bows are hidden, cunning rabbits are dead, and running dogs are cooking."

After a few words, Taoist Chong and Taotie didn't understand. Then they nodded and said, "it seems that this poor man has some ability. I ask you Taoist Chong, if you die, is the poison still effective?"

The insect Taoist nodded effectively, and then he was a little surprised.

How could he ask such questions?

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