Unfortunately, all the people who could watch fainted because they were also poisoned, so they could not watch the grand battle. The battle group of the Central Committee was beyond recognition. The nearby mountains all fell, there was nothing around them, and the mountains were broken.

Even those flying things can kill ordinary immortals. Qiongqi and others besieged Mengniu and tiandaoren before, but now they are under attack, and their strength is not much different.

There were more and more wounds on poor Qi. When people were fighting fiercely, almost all three of them were fighting now, not to mention the three patriarchs. They all fought with their lives.

The elder of manghuang sect was hit on the chest by an elder of Tiansha city and fell to the ground. Because of his special talent, he suddenly woke up from that strange state.

After all, listening is a strange animal in ancient times. Listening to the mystery of all things, he is extremely intelligent. He feels that many people with cultivation above him don't feel it.

At present, he began to use his blood talent to spread to the whole combat group. This kind of power is strange. It has no attack power, but it can induce people's bloodthirsty madness, and produce the illusion that he can't help attacking others.

This kind of power root belongs to the big elder of Tiansha City, chaos. Listening attentively, he focused on Taotie, who was fighting with two quasi Saint level masters. He listened and could hardly believe himself.

Taotie was fighting against the three quasi saints when he suddenly felt the observation of listening. He suddenly raised his head and looked at the eyes of listening. He was scared and trembled. After confirming some assumptions, he was shocked.

At that moment, he suddenly got rid of his three opponents, and lightning appeared in front of him.

Taotie's eyes twinkled with fierce light. When he was about to start, he listened to a mouth, and suddenly his head sent out a golden light and roared.

The roar was so powerful that many of the spectators couldn't resist it. They covered their ears and fainted, while those would-be saints who were unforgettable woke up instantly.

After listening to the roar. It seemed that the whole person was weak, and there was nothing wrong with Taotie in the roar, but he couldn't take care of it. After listening, he looked back and found that the three poor people continued to fight.

However, I was stunned when I heard the roar, but the three players became more cautious. They didn't play as hard as they used to. Instead, they would keep their hands when they played each other. They were very afraid of the wind and fire toad, and they were so confused.

On the other side, tiandaoren and Mengniu are also afraid of meeting four people. The elders of the three sects also slow down. The three huochan who are fighting for the flag finally wake up. They are surprised that the Zhenwu shaojiao flag has been agreed to be shared. How can they turn their faces at this time?

When the three men were sober, the attack stopped. Zhenwu shaojiao flag fell down. Huochan nodded to the other two people. The other two people said they understood what they meant. Instead of starting, huochan grabbed them.

At this time, a fast and incomparable light appeared in the middle of the three people. Fenghou and Linyou felt a strong force attack, and quickly went to catch them.

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