Then, the body protector Zhenyuan on qiongqi's body was directly broken and hit into his body. It was so painful that he retreated. However, the creation staff attacked tiandaoren with constant speed.

Tiandaoren finds that qiongqi is injured. Does he dare to connect it? In a flash, he dodged. Unexpectedly, the old man across the street seemed to see through the track of his escape. There was a scar on his chest. He was shocked!

He didn't know that this was Li Zhi's power to control the rules of heaven and earth.

At this time, Fenghou appeared behind the creator without a sound. He stretched out his hands to fight forward, but the creator didn't turn his head back. The wand in his hand was slightly backward, and then he pushed Fenghou's hand away.

At the same time, at the end of the creation staff, the sharp breath turned, opened the hands of the wind roar, instilled the past, and the figure of the fire toad also appeared on the top of his head, and the long knife in his hand cut the past toward the creation God.

But the God of creation suddenly raised his head and roared at the fire toad. This huge voice made the fire Toad's internal organs churn for a while. How dare he deal with it? Fly back!

When the creator beat back the four, mangniu also used his powerful fist. Mangniu's fist was so powerful that people couldn't avoid it, but the creator still avoided it.

His figure disappeared from the original place and appeared behind mangniu again. The wand of creation in his hand suddenly smashed forward, and the gas of chaos smashed mangniu.

Mangniu reacted quickly and felt the danger behind him. Suddenly, he turned over and avoided the chaos of the creation staff. But the God of creation changed his move very quickly. He put the staff in his hand across the palm of his hand and put it on mangniu's back.

Then his wrist shook slightly, and a strong force shook mangniu away. After the shock, mangniu felt that the explosive force poured into his body. How dare he be brave? Use your power to resolve it.

The Taoist and Lin you gathered around, and the wand of creation became strange. Suddenly, three illusions appeared, as if they were three wands of creation, which forced them to retreat.

At this time, Fenghou's palms have been restored, and he has used his own talent powers. In the surrounding space, everyone's movements have slowed down.

Only then can we see that the creation staff in the hand of the creation God is still one, but the speed is so fast that people around him think that he has become three.

Wind roar suddenly hit the creator on the back, but the creator only slightly shook his body, and there was nothing. With a wave of his hand, the staff of the creator in his hand with a strong force came back a little.

Then chaos appeared, and cut out a ferocious and terrible wound on the chest of the wind roar. How powerful the six strong people are! Gradually, the creator God began to defend himself, and his wand became as airtight as a shield.

None of the six men's attacks could break into their bodies. They were locked in a stalemate. A group of fighting quasi saints in the distance were stunned when they saw this scene.

Although six people were injured, there was no loss in combat effectiveness. Six people could not beat one person. This is the real strongest one in Guixu!

Because the toxin of Taoist Chong is very powerful, they are all suppressing the toxin in the body. Although the remaining three elders of manghuang sect are not poisoned, they were injured and unable to help.

But now the fierce war, even if they join, it doesn't have much effect, after all, that person is too strong!

As a matter of fact, the creator does not seem to be easy and comfortable. He is under a lot of pressure, but this kind of pressure is nothing to Li Zhi who has experienced the challenge of saints.

However, Li Zhi is not willing to entangle with them, but to temper himself, but also for another thing. At this moment, listening suddenly felt that the atmosphere around him was not right, as if some voice sounded.

As soon as he looked at the rear, the dark army came from afar, and then the dark clouds covered the whole battlefield. As soon as he managed to hold down the injury, his face turned pale with a slight shock.

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