If Hongjun is the universe, then Li Zhi already has his own magic power. It's also a universe, but his universe is smaller. Li Zhi's universe is constantly expanding outward, and is also pregnant with life and so on.

But it's still insignificant. Now Li Zhi doesn't dare to say that it's because of the quantity. His universe is not small, but because of the quality. Only in this way can we know why Hongjun says that he has a gap with himself.

To be exact, this gap is a gap in quality. The feeling of danger is getting closer and closer. Li Zhi knows that he can't cope with it, and says under pressure: "Daozu! Why is your Tao imposed on me? My way belongs to me

As soon as the voice fell, the pressure weakened, and Hongjun's figure appeared: "then tell me, what is your Tao?"

Li Zhi shook his head and said, "Daozu, I don't know..."

But then he added, "I know you want to persuade me to realize the Tao, but the universe is so vast that there are no two completely similar leaves, so do people. You have your Tao, and I have my Tao. My Tao is different from your friends, just like your disciples follow you, but they also have their own Tao. Who dares to say that they are really mysterious?"

Hongjun was silent for a while, nodded and said: "this is your excuse, but it sounds reasonable."

Li Zhi felt that the pressure around him had disappeared. He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Hongjun, the founder of Taoism, the Tao is endless. Isn't your Tao also changeable? You also said that you need to learn, and even learned all my scientific and technological means. Daoyou, if I offend you, you are a little stubborn now, and can't let go of it.... "

For example, when Laozi, a quiet man, heard the sophistry, he and Li Zhi all had to sophistry. However, Hongjun, with a disdainful smile, said: "in this case, I don't advise you. Sometimes it may not be my persistence... Ah."

Li Zhi said, "thank you very much. How about going back to the market? What should we do? "

Just listen to Hongjun say, Er: "since you want, that's for you."

With a wave of his hand, Li Zhi felt a light flowing into his mind. Then he felt as if he was in control of something, probably the right to control Guixu.

Hongjun said, "I'll go first. I don't know when you will understand. Then you and I will see each other again. After that, I will disappear."

Li Zhi sighed and said: "the drop in the ocean that Daoyou said before is not the sea in Daoyou's view. That small grain of rice is just a grain of rice."

Hongjun's voice came from the sky, but there was no substantive words. Li Zhi yelled to the sky, "how can the calamities of the three worlds be cured?"

At this time, Hongjun's voice came: "whatever you should do."

Li Zhi doesn't know what Hongjun said, but he seems to have got an answer. The beginning is the beginning, but the beginning is also the end, and the end is the beginning. If the reestablishment of the world is a new beginning, isn't that the same as what he just meant?

Yuanmiao and Daji sit aside and hold hands to chat. Li Zhi finds that Daji is happy when he wakes up. When Daji sees him, he stands up slowly. His eyes seem to be separated by millions of years, and they seem to be reincarnated in countless years. Before he opens his mouth, his tears start to fall.

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