Zhang Kui scolded: "the little grain officer dares to fight our general! Watch somebody chop your head

Said in the hand three stops the knife to Zheng Lun's head to split past.

In fact, although Zhang Kui said that, it was also because he felt that Zheng Lun was powerful and had no bottom in his heart, so he would fight first. Otherwise, Zhang Kui would not fight first.

Zheng Lun didn't expect that Zhang Kui would do it when he said he would do it. He secretly scolded him for being shameless.

But I dodged quickly.

After fighting, Zhang Kui found out that, as he expected, Zheng Lun had good skills, and it was hard to fight with him.

At this time, Zheng Lun knew that there were really capable people in Dashang, but Zhang Kui was a nameless person, but he was so powerful.

After a hundred rounds of fighting, the two armies held their breath and watched the fight between the two generals.

Hearing that the grand master looked at Zheng Lun in the field, he felt that he was a talent. It would be a real waste if he just wasted it in Jizhou.

At this time, Zheng Lun found that he couldn't win Zhang Kui for a while

As soon as I turned my eyes, I thought about it. Why didn't I win him that way?

When he thought of this, he saw Zheng Lun's move and suddenly stepped back. Zhang Kui didn't know what Zheng Lun's plan was, so he was on guard.

But Zheng Lun jumped out of the battle circle and made a loud noise from his nose nearby.

Then two white lights came out from his nostrils. The white light was as fast as pitching and went straight to Zhang Kui.

Caught off guard, Zhang Kui was drawn into his mind by white light. For a moment, he felt dizzy and fell under the unicorn.

Zheng Lun laughed at this and waved his hand to the next Soldier: "take it down!"

After a long time.

Look at Zhang Kui slowly wake up, but now he has been tied to the ground.

With a smile, Zheng Lun came over and pointed to Zhang Kui and said, "I'll take your flag today!"

But Zhang Kui was not afraid at all. Instead, he said slowly, "what is the white light in your nose just now?"

Zheng Lun said with pride: "you are a dying man. Let me tell you! Once upon a time, Japanese generals had learned this skill by worshiping DUYE. A white light came from their nose and killed people in a twinkling of an eye. "

After listening to Zheng Lun's words, Zhang Kui nodded: "not bad, not bad, but do you think you are the only one who has Taoism?"

Zheng Wen was stunned when he heard Zhang Kui's words, but then he saw Zhang Kui stomp his feet again, and the ground under his feet suddenly collapsed, the rope on his body also loosened, and his people disappeared.

When Zheng Lun reacts, Zhang Kui has already returned to the team of Da Shang, and his whole figure emerges from the ground and instantly jumps onto the unicorn.

Then he disdained Zheng Lun and said, "hahaha, you can't take me. Our general has his own ability to deal with you."

At this time, I heard that the grand master suddenly yelled: "listen, the Grand Master of Jizhou is ordered to attack Su Hu, a villain. He is not full of people. The emperor's new deal is good to all people and enriches the people. However, Hou Su Hu of Jizhou only wants personal gains and losses, regardless of the people of Jizhou, and strongly opposes the emperor's new deal, which is against the way of heaven, the way of the earth and the way of humanity, However, his majesty is kind-hearted and only blames Su Hu this time. Jizhou soldiers will listen to him. If there is a sensible person who goes out to surrender, the emperor will have something to say. It's not only no fault, but also a meritorious one! "

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