All the people in Jizhou were really frightened by the power of the gun just now. The cavalry just now have fled one after another, mainly because the horses were frightened.

There was no way to come back at all. When Su Hu saw this, he was also shocked by the huge gun that the grand master had just taken out. It can be said that he was... Very scared!

Moreover, Su Hu found that if he didn't do anything any more now, I'm afraid his army would fall without fighting.

Thinking of this, Su Hu said to the generals around him: "Mingjin, stop fighting! Come on

The sound of gongs rings, the suspension bridge in the city is put up, but the gate is gone

Su Hu went back to the city.

At this time, Wen Taishi stood up from the chariot.

Zhang Kui and his wife, as well as a group of generals, immediately surrounded the fort.

I'm not in the mood to fight with Su Hu anymore.

Only the curiosity and shock of seeing this cannon.

Wen Taishi was very satisfied with the performance of his subordinates.

He stroked his beard, went to the edge of the fort, and said to the people below, "what do the generals think about the power of this cannon?"

When he suddenly spoke, all the generals nodded.

Now no one uses flattery words, but the expression on the face is with admiration.

The grand master laughed when he saw them like this.

"Well, well, to tell you the truth, it was designed by the Emperor himself. With such weapons, why should I worry about my long-term success?"

After that, all the generals nodded.

All the generals said with admiration: "Your Majesty is extremely intelligent, which is really the blessing of all the people! Before that, there were four books of merit and virtue, as well as wisdom and courage. We have such a commander-in-chief. This is the blessing of a hundred generations of cultivation! "

At this time, Zhang Kui and his wife showed the most.

I saw and heard that the grand master suddenly said to Zhang Kui and his wife, "two lucky generals, now Su Hu is afraid that he has broken his courage. What should we do now?"

Zhang Kui knew that he had been tested by the grand master. He thought about it for a long time before he said, "grand master, when your majesty went out to battle, he was a teacher of benevolence and righteousness, so we can't attack the city by force. It must be very easy for us to rush into Jizhou with such weapons as commercial cannons? However, the end will have another way, if not, direct Siege! Cut off their food and grass, within a few months, Su Hu will take the initiative to show the city! And in the name of your Majesty's benevolence and righteousness. "

Hearing Zhang Kui's words, the grand master thought to himself, if your majesty really knows the Pearl with wise eyes, why didn't you find out so early as a brave and resourceful officer like Zhang Kui.

This strategy of Zhang Kui coincides with that of Wen Taishi.

It can be said that this is the best way, and can give his Majesty the best name of benevolence and righteousness, but also can let Su Hu not fight and surrender.

Wen Taishi nodded: "this plan is very wonderful. He ordered the three armed forces to besiege the city in four ways. They are not allowed to enter the city. They can't get it."

After the order was given, the troops brought by the grand division immediately surrounded Jizhou city.

The news of the siege spread all over Jizhou city in an instant. All of a sudden, the generals, officials and people in the city were in a panic.

After all, being besieged, they will face the possibility that there will be no food in the future, but they will naturally starve to death

So there are rumors in the city that Su Hu, the Marquis of Jizhou, disobeyed his Majesty's order to make everyone rich in Jizhou for his own self-interest, which made the emperor angry before attacking Jizhou.

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