Li Zhijin then saw a scene that surprised him. After the people in the room got the skills, they all sat up and began to practice.

The martial arts that they didn't look up to before were just the skills of ordinary people.

Although it is not inferior to the immortal level attack method of this world in mystery, no matter what, although the power systems of the two worlds are different, their realm is similar.

The setting of realm is almost the same. A group of immortals began to cultivate the Dharma of mortals, which made Li Zhi feel a little interesting.

However, these people are not low in talent after all. The lowest level is immortal level, so it's not so difficult to cultivate. Moreover, their original skills can't be cultivated.

When Li Zhi saw this, he also began to practice it. He found that he had practiced Zixia, and thought it would be as obscure as Lao Tzu said. But just when Li Zhi wanted to practice, the system directly absorbed the content of that skill into Li Zhi's body. At the next moment, Li Zhi had successfully practiced all Zixia!

And his realm has reached the top of the day after tomorrow, although Yue buqun did not rely on Zixia to successfully reach the top of the day after tomorrow, it is also because of limited qualifications.

But in Li Zhi's case, the problem of qualification is not a problem at all. The system has directly ignored Li Zhi's qualification, allowing him to fully understand Zixia magic power.

So Li Zhi is now the fastest one among the people to practice, and when Laozi just practiced, they didn't even know the content clearly, Li Zhi had already reached the peak.

At this time, Li Zhi communicated with AI laboratory and asked Fei Yuhe to send a robot to investigate the condition of Xiqi.

After all, robots are smaller and very suitable for exploration.

But what made Li Zhi helpless was that not long after the robot was sent out, it was transmitting images, and suddenly it was disconnected.

Fei Yuhe met this kind of situation for the first time and said to Li Zhi, "husband, what's the matter?"

Li Zhi shook his head and sighed: "is this still necessary? It must be Xiqi that has set up a science and technology defense system. Otherwise, the robot will not be found at all. "

What makes Li Zhi helpless is that he did not expect Xiqi to develop so fast.

Now that we have all set up a science and technology defense system, Li Zhi knows that Jifa should develop very quickly after joining the system.

As the son of destiny in the world of Fengshen, we can say that we are outsiders, which is also a struggle between outsiders and the son of destiny.

Just then the sound of the system came. Then listen to the system.

"Fengshen system provides Wanjie purchasing right once a month for three days, and the host can enter other worlds."

Li Zhi was surprised when he heard these words. It's a good thing that he gets different knowledge when he goes to different worlds. Just like what Hongjun said to him, he must absorb more knowledge if he wants to grow up.

knowledge has no limit!

Then the sound of the system came again.

"Does the host enter other worlds?"

After Li Zhi's ear sounded a warning sound, countless stars appeared in front of him. These stars are not the same as the universe. Every star in those stars seems to represent a world.

These stars radiate bright and incomparable light, and there is mystery in those light.

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