Then he left Guo Jing and Huang Rong. Half an hour later, Li Zhi came back with a horse.

Seeing that the music box on the table was being manipulated by them, they had to hurry up. They were very reluctant, but they still rode to Shaolin Temple.

Li Zhi thought that there would be a lot of bandits robbing in this era, but he found that if he talked too much, there would be no bandits without eyes.

Otherwise, although I have no accomplishments, I have reached the top level of the day after tomorrow by virtue of Zixia divine skill, and there should be few competitors in this world.

The three finally spent nearly two days in Shaolin Temple.

Li Zhi is anxious to go up the mountain. Guo Jing and Huang Rong are talking and laughing along the way.

Because the nine Yin manual classics are difficult to find, Li Zhi wants to take the Joyoung classics, and first of all, it is very difficult to get the complete the nine Yin manual classics.

And three days may not be enough, but the Nine Yang scriptures are different. The Nine Yang scriptures are placed in the Sutra Pavilion of Shaolin Temple, in the lenga scriptures. The nine Yin manual classics were seen in Wang Chongyang's first time in the world. He found that this method was too heavy, but it was very hot and killing. After the loan of the wine monk in Shaolin Temple, the guy was quite capable. He created the real Joyoung through the nine Yin manual.

The Nine Yang Scripture in the world of killing the Dragon by relying on heaven directly turns Zhang Wuji into a top expert in the world!

The reason why Joyoung's real classics are strong is also because of its good foundation. Originally, Zhang Sanfeng and Guo Xiang and Shaolin colourless masters, each of them has only realized a small part. But with this small part, they have become Shaolin Joyoung magic, Emei Joyoung, and Wudang Joyoung.

All three of them belong to the founder of the creation school. This shows how powerful the Nine Yang Scripture is?

This skill is also a must for Li Zhi.

In front of the Shaolin Temple, a monk in a light colored robe, looking at Li Zhi's sweating hands, came forward and asked, "benefactor, are you here to offer incense or to make a vow? Or do you want to listen to the sermons of eminent monks? "

Li Zhi squinted at the people in front of him and said, "master, Shaolin Temple is a holy land of Buddhism after all. There are countless Buddhist dharmas. I want to take a look at them and copy them by the way."

Then the atmosphere is incomparable to hand over a piece of treasure.

After the monk took the silver, he found that he was very heavy, and a smile appeared on his face: "benefactor, you are really successful! It's too heavy

Then he said to Li Zhi, "benefactor, you have a heart. The Sutra Pavilion is there. Please help yourself."

Then he led Li Zhijin to the Sutra Pavilion.

Li Zhi heard what the monk said to him, and then told Guo Jing to rush to the Sutra Pavilion.

In the Sutra Pavilion, there is a smell of books.

It made Li Zhi feel that this is a thousand year old temple. After the development of Buddhist culture in later generations, the West spread its doctrine all over the world.

He scanned the Sutra Pavilion at random and found a young monk in his twenties sweeping the floor. It was quiet in the Sutra Pavilion. Every step of the monk had an echo.

Li Zhi took a look at him and walked along the first bookshelf as if nothing had happened. He looked at a Book of scriptures. These are the Vajra Sutra, the Heart Sutra, and the fahua Sutra. Suddenly, Li Zhi found three words! Lenga Sutra!

Li Zhi touched the sweat on his head, TND is worth the trip, and finally found the Lengjia Sutra!

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