This time, Li Zhi won more than 3000 value points.

You know, it's only one tenth.

If Li Zhi makes a little use of the value points he has gained this time after he goes back, it already belongs to a large number, but at a glance, the secret books of the Sutra Pavilion around him are almost empty.

Li Zhilin is a little embarrassed. It's estimated that there will be no way out in the future.

But I can't manage so much now. It's a big deal that I'll have another chance to return them a copy and reprint it. I have to know that what I print is much better than what they copy by hand.

But Li Zhi still had a little regret in his heart. Now the time should be no way to find Wang Chongyang to the nine Yin manual.

But Li Zhi's heart is not very sorry. The real Joyoung is not much worse than the nine Yin manual.

Maybe there was a strong one beyond the nine Yin manual. After Li Zhi had gotten the things down, he went downstairs and found someone outside.

Li Zhi pretended to look through the Scriptures. At this time, Chueh yuan looked anxious. He looked at Li Zhi and said, "benefactor, do you have a good look?"

Li Zhi shook his head: "no!"

Then Chueh Yuan said, "I'm sorry, benefactor, because something happened in Shaolin Temple. Now we have to close the mountain. Please forgive me."

After that, he waved to the door with an apology on his face.

Li Zhi waved his hand and said, "I'll come again when I have a chance."

In fact, he also wanted to leave in his heart. After all, the second floor of the Sutra pavilion was empty. Was it too good to be found? Do you have to let people discount their legs?

Moreover, although Li Zhi knows that it is the top level of the day after tomorrow, who can guarantee whether there are 108 arhat arrays and 10800 arhat arrays in Shaolin Temple.

Really give him a few sticks, he can't escape.

After going out of the Sutra Pavilion, I decided to find that the surrounding mountains were full of monks' faces. They were looking for something. I don't know how to make this group of monks with Buddhist dharma in their hearts fight like this?

But Li Zhi doesn't care about what happened in Shaolin Temple.

After going out, he went to the foot of the mountain of Shaolin Temple. This time, he gained a lot and made himself very happy. With these gains, he also had some guarantee to deal with Jifa.

Although I don't know if Jifa has the ability to purchase in other countries.

But Li Zhi knows that with his foresight of these things, he has more opportunities than Ji Fa.

And what makes Li Zhi really happy is not only this thing, but also his ability to travel around the world. Does that mean that he can go back to his original world?

If at that time with Su Su and a group of beauties back, life must be quite easy!

Li Zhi is also very happy to have so many skills.

Looking around, no one moved and returned to the world of Fengshen. There were several bookshelves in the whole room. After Li Zhi moved, all the secret books flew to the bookshelves. A group of people meditating and practicing in situ found that Li Zhi had come back and said, "master, you are back!"

At this time, they found that Li Zhi had brought back so many secret scripts, and the master of Tongtian sect woke up from cultivation and found so many secret scripts. He widened his eyes and said to Li Zhi, "Your Majesty, what's the matter?"

Li Zhi said with a smile: "go to collect some secret scripts. They are all human cultivation methods. Later, I will choose some for your reference. Some are low-level and some are high-level. Make your own choice! "

You know, Li Zhi is a local tyrant now with these skills, which is what Li Zhi wants most. As for those pills, although Li Zhi also wants them, there are two limitations: one is that these pills are hard to find, and the other is that one pill is less than one!

Li Zhi looked through these secret books and found that in addition to the Nine Yang Scripture, there is also the top martial art of Shaolin Temple, the golden bell shield defense invincible!

Moreover, after successful cultivation, the whole body is as hard as steel.

Another top martial art is Yijinjing.

For Li Zhi, the name of Yijinjing is too familiar. Li Zhi, who lives in later generations, has read Master Jin's books. Naturally, he is familiar with the powerful skill of Yijinjing in master Jin's books.

Looking at the neat collection of skills that make the world crazy, Li Zhi is excited. The Yijinjing is a skill to improve the quality. Li Zhi also finds a very interesting thing.

He thinks that the Yijinjing is a simple way to improve their aptitude. However, they don't need to improve their aptitude any more. First of all, their aptitude is unparalleled, and no one in the world can compare with them. After all, as sages, their bodies are a treasure house.

However, after watching the Yijinjing, Li Zhicai found that he had made a mistake. In the Yijinjing, Zhengping can make great progress. It is not only to improve the quality, but also to bridge its own way and strengthen itself!

Especially after the cultivation of these people who have become mortals, because the realm has not changed, but their bodies can not rely on the original skills to absorb aura, so their original meridians can no longer be used

We can only rely on the new method to expand the new meridians. As a method to expand the meridians, Yijinjing is absolutely the best choice. Of course, these difficulties in cultivation are not difficult for Li zhilai.

For Laozi, they may have some difficulties, but it won't be very troublesome.

After Li Zhi picked out these skills, he said to Laozi, "now, apart from Zixia skill, these skills are also top-level skills. You can understand them by yourself!"

In fact, it's no big deal for Li zhilai to take these three skills. After all, he still has many technical difficulties to exchange value points with the system.

After thinking about it, Li Zhi began to practice the Nine Yang Scripture directly. The value of selling the Nine Yang Scripture to Li Zhi is not low. The value of each layer is thousands of points.

Every time Li Zhi takes a layer of it, he needs to replace it with a gene potion, and it has to be a different gene potion, because the same gene potion can completely replicate the system.

This makes Li Zhi's coauthor system have the ability to replicate. Does it mean that he must develop new gene potions to sell higher value points?

Li Zhi thought about it and bought the first few copies of Jiuyang Sutra.

The reason why Li Zhi wants to buy it is that he does not need to practice. The next moment, Li Zhi finds himself in a burning sensation, with countless Yang Qi flowing slowly from his limbs.

His body was like a melting pot, and his limbs were like four volcanoes erupting, baking himself. It took him a long time to calm down.

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