"What's your name?"

Li zhizhan said with a smile, "my name is Li Zhi, and his name is broken army. What else do you want to ask?"

Xu Shuxin clapped in his heart. They were in their twenties. How could they reach such a state? If he knew that Li Zhi had lived in this world for tens of millions of years, would Xu Shu be scared to death?

At the same time, Xu Shu is also thinking that he is already a genius. At the age of 35, he has entered the dragon and tiger list, so he can be regarded as the top strength, and the strength of the other party should not be able to see his own speed.

His own speed has reached more than ten times that of the other side. The other side can't see clearly that he manipulates Shenjia, and has accelerated dozens of times. What's the matter? Why can the two people on the opposite side see through their own trajectory?

In fact, even if Xu Shu wants to break his head, he may not be able to think clearly. Li Zhi doesn't see it with his eyes, but with his powerful divine sense.

Li Zhi's spiritual support is in line with his heaven level Saint realm. Let alone Xu Shu's current speed, even if he is 100 times faster, Li Zhi can easily see through his action track.

At this time, he suddenly looked at the broken army, because Li Zhi's strength is much higher than the broken army, he said to the broken army: "do you dare to fight me?"

The broken army squinted at him and took a look at Li Zhi. Li Zhi nodded: "broken army, you have to fight with him. It's not enemy. We have our own way."

Breaking the army, he nodded: "good, fight then fight, so what?"

See the broken army will wear the Black Dragon Armor on the body, in a moment, Xu Shu's eyes a coagulation, what is the quality of the black armor? Why haven't you heard of it before?

Although it's ordinary armor, and its momentum is not as powerful as its own, this kind of shape is not developed by the Joint Commission. He is a little strange. Why can there be such things as divine armor in this black prison star?

In the world of breaking the army, divine armor can be divided into many grades. For example, the squadron leader beside Xu Shu wears silver divine armor, which is not comparable to Xu Shu's Phoenix.

According to the current classification of divine armor in the whole galaxy, divine armor can be divided into primary, intermediate, advanced, top and divine. In addition to divine armor, other armor can be divided into four grades.

The God level armor is divided into quasi God level, true God level and creation God level. As far as I know, God level armor is an imaginary structure, because the best God level armor in the whole galaxy is only the top two.

As I know, the level of divine armor in the army is assigned in this way, which are black armor, bronze armor, silver armor and gold armor. I am the squadron leader, wearing silver armor, while the captain wears gold armor.

Among them, the corresponding divine armor is also classified as one, two, three, four, and Xu Shu's Phoenix is on the list, ranking more than 100 in the divine armor list, belonging to the high-level divine armor.

And the people who set up these dragon and tiger lists and Shenjia list, no one knows who they are. They only know that this person's name is tongtianxiao, and there is no real name. They only know that this person is the most informed person, and many things can't be concealed from him.

Moreover, it has been more than 300 years since the establishment of the list. It is reasonable to say that although human beings have genetic transformation technology, they can live for more than 200 years at most. Therefore, everyone has come to the conclusion that it is not necessarily the human race that created the list.

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