The broken army is very happy. This storage bag should be the largest in the hailun galaxy as far as I know. It's 1000 square meters. I've never heard of it. It seems that a certain owner is still carrying dozens of square meters, which makes the broken army very happy.

That night, Li Zhi and the broken army changed into the dress of the world. When they appeared, many eyes were attracted. However, when they saw the hot sea and land beside the broken army, they were ignored and looked at Li Zhi.

Li Zhi's momentum is a real aristocrat, because Li Zhi has the authority of the superior, and his eyes are full of overbearing air. After anyone sees Li Zhi, they all know that he is a super aristocrat, which king must he be

They all looked at Li Zhi. The waiter at the door looked at the invitation of Li Zhi and the defeated army, and then chanted: "the kingdom of Finland, under the Earl Li Zhi, your Excellency the defeated army, Madame Hailu!"

They were relieved to hear that it was a small country. Although an earl's status here was good, some of his status surpassed Li Zhi's, and the titles of big and small countries were not the same.

In fact, this group of people think and understand, but how can anyone with real status do this kind of civilian spaceship? Li Zhi's identity as a little Duke has shattered many girls' dreams of fishing for golden turtles.

But it doesn't mean that they will give up this little piece of fat. After all, an earl is already good and high-level. Some ladies who don't have a partner around them come to Li Zhi's direction with the tacit consent of their parents.

All of a sudden, Li Zhi is wrapped up by dozens of people, while the broken army and Hai Lu hide to one side and watch Li Zhi's embarrassment. They are eating and are surrounded by so many enthusiastic young girls. This makes Li Zhi a little embarrassed.

First of all, in the world of Fengshen, compared with this world, women are not so crazy and active. Of course, dozens of girls are not submissive.

When I saw that some people wanted to compete with me, they suddenly opened their eyes, as if the storm had come again. No wonder many people said that women are special, and they are very docile when they are docile.

But on special occasions, they will become monsters. A delicate voice appears: "Xiao Zhi, how did you come?"

Li Zhi's goose bumps are going to fall. Is the voice too sweet and greasy? Then a pink hand embroidered evening dress appeared. Li Zhi knew who it was without thinking about it.

Her name is Ouyang beloved. She is 22 years old and her nickname is Baobao. She is a very strange illegitimate daughter. Ouyang family is an ancient family. She is the illegitimate daughter of Ouyang family.

The owner is Ouyang Tai, who is the best in his life. At the same time, he is afraid of his wife. When his wife knows about having an illegitimate daughter, she is angry and kills Ouyang beloved's mother.

Unexpectedly, this woman gave birth to a baby before she died. The original wife was so angry that she threw Ouyang beloved and a fox in. Originally, she wanted the fox to eat her.

But I didn't expect that because the fox had just lost his child, after seeing the baby girl, the glory of maternal love overflowed!

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