When breaking the army, I remembered that when I was very young, I had learned a traditional Chinese medicine. What I paid attention to was that there was also gold, wood, water, fire and earth in my body. The heart was fire, the liver was wood, the spleen was earth, the kidney was water, and the lung was gold. According to this inference, there would be gold, wood, water, fire and earth in my body.

If Li Zhilian knew how to break the army and didn't know this common sense, he would be surprised. In fact, his strength is not shallow. Why do he know so little?

Li Zhi didn't know that after all, it belongs to the scientific and technological plane, and there is a fault in the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine.

Breaking the army also didn't tell Li Zhi that he didn't understand these things, otherwise Li Zhi could easily transfer one or two sentences to make breaking the army get more powerful skills.

However, when he broke the army, he felt that a powerful force rushed from his head to himself, and the warm air expanded more than ten times in his body!

These air currents refined the miscellaneous Qi, and absorbed the miscellaneous Qi nearby. After wandering through the army breaking body, this heat current finally burst out in Dantian.

If you look at the broken army's Dantian now, there is a nebula in it.

Let the broken army immersed in the universe, at this time, he suddenly thought of something, and began to use a force to rotate the small universe in his Dantian, that is, the small star group in Dantian, the nebula can't stop rotating in the broken army's body.

Every time I rotate the five zang organs, I feel much stronger. At the same time, the Qi of the five elements in all directions is absorbed by the heat flow in my body. I can't help feeling that after I absorb it, the power comes back to the five zang organs of gold, wood, water, fire and earth.

Moisten the broken army's internal organs. Every time, the broken army feels that its energy grows a little. At this time, a God with a height of more than ten meters appears outside the broken army. The image of Yuan Shen shadow appears on his appearance, and all kinds of light surges on it. The power on the seal square is swallowed by this power.

Then he poured into the body of the broken army through strength. Of course, the broken army didn't know about this. Bu yunkong seemed to be in the state of entry and showed a light smile. This time, bu yunkong didn't have any confidence in doing these things. The jade pendant was the heirloom of his college, which was a treasure left by one of the four heroes of that year.

The jade pendant contains the essence of one of the four heroes.

At the same time, there is also a skill called "five elements controlling dragon mind skill" in heaven and earth

But this skill is not that no one wants to practice, bu yunkong also wants to practice, but there is a premise to practice, that is to produce the spirit!

If you don't have Yuanshen to practice this skill by force, you will explode and die!

Bu yunkong's observation of breaking the army reached the realm of Yuanshen, but he was just judging, not 100% sure.

If it's right to let him practice the universe directly, he has no idea.

You should know that after entering the seven stars, you will have the help of the field to change the inner strength of the body into a small universe.

And then, through the universe, it surges out, and the rules of control become realms.

Now seeing that the broken army has begun to absorb energy freely, bu yunkong is relieved.

Because if something happened just now, he would have destroyed such a good talent as the army breaking.

The most important thing is this gem. I'm afraid this jade pendant has also been destroyed!

Then when he died, there would be no ancestors.

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