Then the bald old man suddenly thought of something.

"Well, I think of a thing. I remember that there is another meteorite armor in Helen galaxy. If it's got by people below, I'm afraid there will be imitation armor. A large number of secondary armor will cause imbalance for the whole galaxy. Send someone to destroy it! So that those who are under supervision will not know, and then we will talk about it. "

Long Mei nodded and said suddenly, "green leaf, come here."

Just as the voice fell, the space flashed, and then a girl in green armor appeared.

Toward the old man respectfully said: "I have seen two great masters!"

Long eyebrow said: "you are the youngest among the guardians, but also from Helen star. I have a task for you. You will take it as experience. You go to Helen galaxy and destroy meteorite armor. Of course, no one is allowed to know your existence. Remember to kill all the people who know your existence!"

Green leaf respectfully said: "I obey."

Finish saying to leave, long eyebrow looking at green leaf to leave, hastily say: "you hasten to give me wine, don't talk nonsense!"

The bald old man said, "oh my God, I didn't cheat you!"

Study silently..

The remains of tens of millions of light-years, including a huge altar.,

More than 1000 strong people who came around disappeared.

Under the altar is a huge pool of blood. There is a lot of blood. Then, including Li zhiqingluan, Xu Haiyang, Tianyu old demon and hell mother, they all feel a strong pressure!!

They quickly open their own field strength, although barely resist this kind of pressure, but a few people's head out of boundless pressure.

However, when they stabilized, they were crushed to pieces, or even a piece of meat pie, by the strong pressure of the five-star strong men who were exploring the road ahead.

Several people felt that there might be a field in the altar, which is much stronger than their field.

Even Li Zhi's coverage of kilometers is irresistible and unmatched.

After careful observation, Li Zhicai narrowed his eyes and found that it was an evil array. There were dozens of channels extending from the altar, and a steady stream of blood flowed into it.

Suddenly Li Zhiyi frowned. What was the blood used for?

Seeing this scene, Li Zhi took a look at the array. Although Li Zhi didn't know the name of the array, with his mastery of the array, he immediately knew what it was. It should be a sacrificial array for killing.

At this time, breaking the army suddenly sent a message to Li Zheng. Li Zhicai knew what kind of array it was. It was the method of Yasha.

Yasha is a very murderous race, and every head of his clan is a murderer.

Moreover, the patriarchs of the past dynasties can use a lot of blood to improve their ability and recover their strength through sacrifice.

Turn many strong people into blood, then flow into the array, and then rely on the strong pressure to improve their strength, and yecha Wang Yiping is the one who can use these means!

Li Zhi knows that breaking the army can understand this because it comes from the information of emperor Shitian. At the same time, breaking the army also reminds Li Zhi that he can't let the yakha King recover his ability, otherwise everyone will die!

No one can escape!

According to the message from emperor Shitian, breaking the army and Li Zhi know that yecha Wang Yiping has no way to act now, so it's a good time to kill him!

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