He didn't understand that he was just a prisoner. How could he be more arrogant than himself?

I'm the general!

He said to himself: "I see how long you can be arrogant. In my prison, I'll make you comfortable!"

Li Zhi was imprisoned by several soldiers and went to a gloomy secret room.

I don't know what the reason is. There is a strong and gloomy atmosphere here. It's like hell in the yellow spring. Several escorts shiver as they walk.

Finally, I couldn't help complaining and said, "these people are really good at choosing places and roads. I've pushed a lot of people in, and now I'm still scared when I walk!"

A leader said: "well, don't talk nonsense, we'll be relaxed if we hand over the work quickly."

After that, he took a look at Li Zhi. It's a little strange. This place is so gloomy and terrible. Why doesn't this guy care at all?

He didn't know what Li Zhi had experienced, let alone a small, resentful cell.

Even in the samsara of the six paths, there is no pressure. It's just resentment with negative emotions. In terms of time, it's a negative magnetic field, which has no effect on Li zhilai.

On the contrary, these Yin energy can be absorbed. Through the Yin energy, Li Zhi slowly condenses an obscure round energy in his body. Li Zhi doesn't know what this energy is.

But fortunately, it doesn't conflict with any energy in the body,

On the contrary, it's due to the fact that one corner absorbs energy slowly. If there's energy, it's naturally good. Li Zhi began to increase the intensity of absorption and try his best to absorb the negative energy here. However, Li Zhi didn't find that after absorbing the negative energy, ah, those energies that were originally positive attributes, no conflict is no conflict.

But they even absorbed the energy of negative attributes into the energy of positive attributes.

Moreover, the tattoo of the majestic Dragon Armor that was originally covered on the arm was purple and noble, but after contacting the black energy, it became evil, evil and murderous.

Dawei Tianlong armor absorbed Li Zhi's energy after it ran out of energy, but Li Zhi's energy was still very slow, less than four-star strength.

Unintentionally, these Yin energy was discovered by the divine armor and began to absorb directly.

Shenjia, which used to run out of energy, is also mutated under the catalysis of this energy. Whether this mutation is good or bad can only be realized by Li Zhi in the battle. In short, Li Zhi and Shenjia absorb the resentment in the channel.

The other soldiers felt that the sense of terror had disappeared, and they were comfortable to hum.

In fact, Li Zhi did not know how evil the resentment he had absorbed.

After the world's strange magnetic field, this energy has become extremely evil!

If the control is not good enough, the divine sense is not strong enough, it will be driven crazy, but Li Zhi's spirit is so strong that he still doesn't pay attention to this small problem.

Ten minutes later, I came to a secret room at the bottom. At the end of the passage, there was a rusty iron door.

It's strange for Li Zhi to walk in. Look here, these cells are not comparable to those of the royal guards.

Although the cells of the royal guards were built by himself, Li Zhi wanted to remember the royal guards of the Ming Dynasty.

But after all, people in the Da Shang era were quite simple, far less vicious than the royal guards of the Ming Dynasty.

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