In fact, breaking the army is also a threat to him. After all, for such a thief, cutting off his hand is tantamount to killing him.

The result let broken army have a little surprise is that the thief looked at him, then arrogantly said: "you are not the person of the tagan star? Tell you! You do it. If I frown, I'm not tiger master's man! "

It's a bit surprising to break the army,

"Why do you say that“

Although I have been away for 12 years, I'm from Tucker.

Jerry said in a loud voice: "on tagan star, who doesn't know the name of tiger master? You are so slandering Hao Feihu! Tiger, you can imagine your end. You've lost your life. I just broke my finger. Look who's more cruel! "

Broken army squinted, he suddenly heard the name after a little familiar, he said eagerly: "quick! Take me to see the tiger

When Jerry was released, he was a little surprised,

"I wipe! You don't know how to die. Run for your life! Do you still want to come? "

At the same time, I was a little anxious to break the army.

"Cut the crap and take me

His voice with a trace of evil spirit, immediately let Jerry as drunk as ice.

He didn't dare to talk nonsense. Li Zhi asked who Hao Feihu was as he walked.

"Brother, this is a colleague of mine when I was a child. I want to ask him something."

Li Zhi nodded: "well, let's go there now!"

After asking for the address, Li Zhiyi stamped his foot and a light shield appeared around them. The next second, they had appeared dozens of kilometers away.

Break the army swallow saliva, take three people, almost the speed of the blink, and three people are also protected.

Jerry suddenly appears dozens of kilometers away. He looks at Li Zhi with silly eyes,

Li Zhi said faintly: "is this your tiger Lord's place?"

In front of a huge city, looks like a castle, there are many high-tech means to shoot out.

In fact, when they arrived, their information had been leaked out. There was a manager named Li Delu in the castle.

Li Delu was originally a businessman, but his business failed and was saved by Hao Feihu, who helped him pay off his debts.

To show his kindness, Li Delu followed him around and built the castle five years ago.

And Li Delu was also appointed as the manager, responsible for all this.

Li Delu, who received the report from his subordinates, was stunned. The whole castle's monitoring range was 30 kilometers. He didn't expect to be bullied to the door before he was found?

Li Delu felt that his face was damaged, and on the other hand, he felt that his opponent's strength was too strong. Instead of being in the castle, Hao Feihu was invited by Charlie to attend Charlie's grandson's birthday party.

After twelve years, Charlie has been promoted from Earl to duke.

Li Delu is responsible for the security of the castle, so Hao Feihu wanted to deal with this matter well before he came.

Li Delu lined up all the experts.

Then come outside.

Li Zhihe throws Jerry to the front and stares at each other without exit. Jerry comes to Li Delu and tells the story in a low voice.

Li Delu glared at him and wanted to kill him!

Who's bad to steal? You have to steal this kind of master?

It's damned to bring about trouble!

As Jerry said, one with two people and three people flying dozens of kilometers at a time, the strength of this person is unfathomable.

If you don't offend, you don't offend.

Li Delu thought of it with a humble smile on his face.

Come to Li Zhihe and break the army.

"Two gentlemen, as well as this beautiful lady, he is a child who is not sensible and has offended you. I'm here to make amends to you."

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