Green Dragon Armor is received by green leaf in the storage space. She flies towards a star with her broken army in her arms. The only idea in green leaf's heart at this time is to die together since she can't live together!

Li Zhi looks at the green leaves leaving. Kailu rushes up with a scream and is stopped by Li Zhi. Then he shakes his head and says, "don't worry, sister-in-law! The brother who broke the army won't die this time! "

But Li Zhi sighed and said to Kailu, "you may need more sisters."

Kailu looks at Li Zhi puzzled. Li Zhi shakes his head and doesn't say anything. He thinks in his heart, "it seems that the fate of breaking the army and Niuniu can't be broken at all."

Holding the broken army and flying towards the star, Niu Niu's body water evaporates and her lips begin to crack, but she continues to fly towards the star regardless of these.

It has been less than 10000 kilometers, and the surrounding temperature has reached hundreds of thousands of degrees. Suddenly, a figure stands in front of green leaves, a white haired old man in white clothes.

Although the temperature of this star is very high, but the heat is far away from them, which is caused by the patrol envoy Guan Yong!

Guan Yong was so depressed that he was going to be crazy. He had planned to use any gate to transmit. Unexpectedly, the energy of Helen's galaxy was chaotic and could not be transmitted at all.

In fact, any gate is the most advanced civilization created by science and technology in the universe, and it is also higher than this plane.

Before the development of any gate, the distance between two points in the universe was the shortest, but after the opening of any gate, it broke the conclusion that the closest point between two points should be the spatial overlap.

For example, draw a black dot on both ends of a piece of white paper, fold the white paper in half and overlap the black dots. The manufacturing principle of any gate is to make these points coincide through energy excitation across space, so as to achieve the purpose of instant transmission.

However, different transmission distances consume different energy. The longer the transmission distance is, the more energy will be consumed. For example, the energy required by Guan Yong to cross tens of millions of light-years is astronomical!

Even if Helen interstellar all together is enough to use half a year, arbitrary gate energy is very large, so ordinary people can't afford to use energy.

Every planet has arbitrary points, which are actually established by their organization. No one knows the secret except the members of the organization.

But even if other people are found, they don't know what it is.

However, the antimatter space energy storm exposes any point, and the space is extremely unstable. Even if the two points are combined, the transmission distance may not be the original position.

Deviated from the channel, small error makes Guan Yong a few minutes late to arrive, almost let his life regret.

Looking at Guan Yong in front of him, Qingye stopped her tears and said, "teacher..."

Just two words have exposed the grievances and unwillingness of these years.

Guan Yong took a look at the man in Niu Niu's arms and said, "is this breaking the army?"

The green leaf nods dejectedly, "right!"

During the eight years when Guan Yong taught Qingye, she told Guan Yong about her childhood,.

Yong also knows what happened to Niuniu when she was a child. Guan Yong infers all the things, "you hurt him because you misunderstood that you want to die for him?"

Through careful inference, almost all the facts are correctly inferred, and Qingye nods.

Guan Yong said: "my eight years of teaching cost me a lot of hard work. Don't you have the heart to remember it? Life and death do not understand, you have to die for love, you are not dying for love, you are murder

She didn't pay attention to master's admonition. Qingye knew that she couldn't live after breaking the army.

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