Hearing the teacher's question, green leaf blushed and said, "I suddenly want to marry him. I want to be with him!"

Guan Yong said word by word: "I... Don't... Agree with..."

Green leaf is hit by this sentence to muddle, "why?"

Guan Yongli said: "do you know his origin?"

Green leaf was asked silly by master's words, "origin? What's the origin? He was with me when he was a child

Guan Yong pointed to a black lightning in the corner of his eyes and said, "do you know this black lightning?"

The black lightning was something that broke the army when they were in prison, but only Li Zhi knew what it was.

Green leaves puzzled said: "what does this represent?"

Guan Yong said: "this black lightning represents that he is a scourge!"

Speaking of this, Guan Yong's body trembled. Green leaf heard the word and looked at the master in doubt. "What's the scourge?"

Guan Yong said: "the damned one we are talking about is the strong one selected in the universe, the one who cleans the universe under the hands of the universe. There are rules in every universe. The ultimate goal of all practitioners is to break the rules, break the rules and reach a transcendent state. So we practitioners are all against the heaven, so there is anger in the whole universe, And the scourge is the people in the universe. When they face the scourge, they will attack. It can be said that the scourge is the enemy of all the practitioners in the universe. "

Speaking of this, he looked at Qingye and believed that Qingye should also understand what this sentence meant. Qingye shook her head desperately, "it's impossible. Master, you're wrong! How could the elder brother be? He is so weak that you can kill him with a little finger. He can't be a scourge. "

Guan Yong sighed,

"He's only 20 years old, and he has the same accomplishments that others have practiced for hundreds of years. In fact, his accomplishments are already very strong. The scourge is the favorite of the universe, and his cultivation speed is much faster than that of ordinary people.

I'm sure that in less than a hundred years, this person's behavior will surpass me. How many thousands of years has it taken for master to reach this level of cultivation? When he reaches a certain level after thousands of years of cultivation, his soul will revive and he will wash the whole universe, so he must kill him now. "

With these words, Guan Yong's body burst out a burst of awe inspiring murderous spirit, obviously to break the army.

The green leaf stands in front of the army and looks at the master firmly, "master, if you really want to kill the elder brother of the army, then you can kill me together!"

Guan Yong's face turns blue and white. He anticipates that Qingye is also his apprentice, like his own daughter. He doesn't want Qingye to have an accident before he explains. He hopes she can understand.

I didn't expect that Qingye was still developing in that direction no matter what she said.

A powerful hand on the shoulder of green leaves, green leaves anxious to find the broken army wake up.

Although the body of the broken army was injured, he could not speak and move, but yuan Shen was very sober. He knew what was happening around him, but he could not communicate with the world.

When Qingye broke her right hand, the army was very distressed. Later, when Qingye wanted to take her to die for love, the army was panicked, but then she was calm, just a little sorry for Kailu.

However, with the emergence of Guan Yong, there is a turn for the better, and a life changing pill has repaired his injury, which has improved his ability a lot. Breaking the army while refining the pill, while listening to the dialogue between the two people.

When Guan Yong said that he was the scourge of heaven, he thought it was ridiculous to break the army. He just wanted to say one thing: my life is up to me, not up to heaven!

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