But no one who stayed in gen District didn't know them. They were the two old men of xuanming. They had been in gen district for more than 100 years. They had already stepped into seven stars a hundred years ago. It is said that they still had the array to fight together.

Niannujiao blushed and said: "you let me experience life, of course I have to refuse!"

This sentence provokes Yu Bo's anger. Although he is a little suspicious of niannujiao's performance, he can't hide his love for niannujiao. A man can't stand the taste of the woman he likes!

Yu Bo also ignored each other's strength, he coldly said: "you childe, food is our three yuan will cover, you hit the door and hurt my brother is not in line with the rules, let other gangs know, I'm afraid you will say you bully peers?"

When Yu Bo spoke, he was neither humble nor haughty, and Youquan gave a cold smile,

"The rules are set by people. That's a constraint. There are so many people who have no strength. I'm not limited by your rules, but it will make you die. I can tell you, you guessed right. This time, I'm aiming at your Sanyuan guild. There are so many first-class guilds in gen District, and no one wants to have another. This is agreed by the eighth and sixteenth guilds. I think my help is the executor, Of course, we can also take more of our future interests. President, you are a talent. If you see the situation clearly and go to us now, we will inhale Sanyuan, and the position of the master of Sanyuan hall will be yours! "

Youquan thinks that he is determined to eat in the wave, and the fact is so. This is the common decision of the eight gangs and 16 associations!

Yu Bo's face is very blue. He knows that Sanyuan meeting is over

They represent all the power of Gen district. At the same time, they also occupy the shadow of seven top class meetings.

If it's really like what you Quan said, then eradicating Sanyuan guild is the meaning of all guilds!

"Wood show in the forest, wind will destroy it" is used to the style of black prison star rule

After coming to Capricorn, Yubo didn't change, but he was too sharp and pushed his own triad to the Jedi.

It's like a mantis arm pawning a cart to fight against the whole planet with the influence of the three yuan society. What's your hard work spirit in the past four years!

Looking at Yu Bo's depressed appearance, breaking the army is angry from the heart. Yu Bo is his good friend. At the same time, Yu Bo's current situation also makes breaking the army feel the same, thinking of his original

When he escaped from the chimpanzee, his blood was boiling. Unexpectedly, he met Guan Yong. Under the incomparable strength, his original self-confidence collapsed!

Guan Yong is so strong!

At this moment, breaking the army feels that Yu Bo is the same now, because he is too small and helpless in the face of powerful forces

Breaking army know now can't resist the organization behind Guan Yong, so he had to slowly close up the black lightning, for this kind of thing he decided to help Yu Bo.

He looks at Li Zhi. Li Zhi knows what he thinks in his mind. He nods slightly and decides to help Yu Bo turn the situation around

Breaking believe in their own strength, although not against Guan Yong, but Capricorn should be no accident, breaking believe in their own strength should be no problem.

Thinking of this, he broke the army and said, "what is eight Gang sixteen? The world depends on strength. Strength is based on the rules of the world. The rules are set by the strong!"

"Good! I'm going to break the rules! "

With these words, Yu Bo and Youquan were stunned~

Yu Bo began to worry that although he planned to use Li Zhi's power to help himself, his so-called use was also kind

He thinks that Li Zhi and their strength is very strong, but now when it comes to the 16th meeting of the eighth Gang, he regrets his decision to drag them into the water just now.

Youquan is not sure, because he only now finds out the existence of the five people, Li Zhi and the broken army. Li Zhi is still with the power of easygoing. It's no different, just like ordinary people!

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