The system prompts Li Zhi: "I have such a strong backing behind you."

When Li Zhi heard the system's words, he also had an idea in his heart. The system's words are good. What's his fear?

There is such a magical existence behind him. Besides, Li Zhi has never heard of such a thing as system in the world of flood and famine!

Daji saw that Li Zhi was stunned, and she said sadly, "all this is due to fate. If you want to escape, you can't escape. We are just like the chess pieces. We are moved by the chess players, and the chess players are the saints."

Li Zhi also knew it. Suddenly, Daji's expression changed. He gave Li Zhi a sudden smile with bright eyes and white teeth. There were many inexplicable things in the smile.

She said to Li Zhi, "although I met Daoyou twice, I didn't expect Daoyou to care so much about me."

Listening to Daji's words, Li Zhi couldn't help laughing: "what did you say? I care about you? I'm afraid you are wrong. How can I care about you? "

Daji looked at Li Zhi and said, "if you don't care about me, why don't you take out the Juque sword? As you said, it's the Juque sword refined by the cloud neutron of elucidation. It's very harmful to me. As long as you take it out, I will die, but Daoyou didn't do it."

Li Zhi says in his heart that Daji is really smart.

However, the reason why he didn't take out the Juque sword was not that he didn't want to use it.

It's because after Kong Xuan's research, he directly picked out the array inside!

However, the Juque sword was damaged. Now there is no shadow of it.

At this time, Daji zhengse said to Li Zhi, "it's just that I'm afraid I won't have a chance with Daoyou in this life. I've been arranged by the people behind me. I can only be the king of Zhou in this life, and I don't dare to spend my whole life with Daoyou as a remnant of flowers and willows. From then on, if Daoyou really have Daji in mind, please don't participate in it."

This is Daji's good advice, "find a place to repair, don't participate in this court, because as Daoyou said, it is extremely dangerous."

"The immortals of the heavens and the sages behind them will all participate in this. How can we survive the great calamity?"

At this time, Daji did not look at Li Zhi. Instead, he went to his bedroom. Li Zhi did not go in with Daji. Instead, he looked at the sky and frowned at the sky.

He roared in his heart, "well, you Nuwa, you really want to play, right? Well, I swear today, Nuwa, if I grow up to the top, I will press you on the bed and clean you up well!"

Then came the voice of the system in my mind, "this... This is a good idea! Good wish! Don't worry! Host, you will certainly achieve this wish. "

Li Zhi came back after a turn, but when he came here again, he came with Luan, followed by many servants and changed into the Dragon Robe.

When Li Zhi walked into Daji's room, Li Zhi crudely pressed Daji on the bed, and then there was a storm.

The next day, Li Zhi made Su Daji an imperial concubine, which was also named as an imperial concubine. Then he moved from this remote palace to a fairly good palace.

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