Situ Wuwei shook his head,

"You don't understand me. I don't hate you. There is no hatred between us, but I like you very much, but I want to kill you again, because this is a prophecy about fate. I found the whole dark magic city 3000 years ago, but there is a prophecy in the dark magic city that a man will come here after 3000 years. He is like an emperor with the spirit of Kowloon, Capricorn will become the power of his society. If he unites with Capricorn, the enemy will surely die! "

Li Zhi nodded,

"Oh... Who do you think that man is?"

Situ Wuwei suddenly clapped the table and roared,

"You..."! I'm not the master of dark magic city. I'm just a servant here. Do you know that the real master here is you! "

What did Li zhilingguang think of,

"Oh... Is that so?"

Situ said fearlessly and madly:

"Yes! It's written in the prophecy that you will come this year, and the master here will unify the whole Capricorn, do you know? How amazing this prediction is! There are countless people in Kun District who want to move in, including me, but I didn't succeed, because the reclamation area is waiting for you, and the other six people have thought about it, but they all failed! "

Situ Wuwei began to panic in his heart and thought of the last sentence of the prophecy: "the rebels will not escape the punishment of order, and all orders will be established!" He is very unwilling!

Situ Wuwei thinks why the dark magic city he has been guarding for 3000 years is not his own?

Li Zhi nodded,

"Do you know it's all fate?"

"Of course! In fact, these fates are changing. At the same time, you are a little strange. Why is your destiny written here in the broken army world? According to the son of fate, it should be written that a man with evil spirit and the star of breaking the army came here, not a man with the spirit of Jiulong! "

Li Zhi said,

"Now I know why you want to kill me. You don't hate me, but your destiny, do you?"

Situ said fearlessly,

"Yes, yes, yes... I won't let you leave alive today! Ha ha... "

Li Zhi didn't believe in situ Wuwei's words,

"You said not to let me go, not to let me leave alive, can you do it?"

In fact, Li Zhi doesn't care about situ Wuwei at all. His combat effectiveness is barely qualified in his own opinion

Suddenly situ Wuwei took out a colorful energy ball and threw it directly into the mirror,

"I can't! But he can! Ha ha... "

Then, the mirror floating in the middle of the sky emits colorful light, and even envelops Li Zhi in it. A protective cover suddenly appears around Li Zhi,

However, he found that the colorful glow did not have any attack power, but Li Zhiguang also frowned a little. This seems to be the legendary

If the next moment the world is dark!

They are impatient to wait for Yu Si to break through the army and kick the door open. Only then can they find that Li Zhi and situ Wuwei come out from inside. They are relieved to see Li Zhi.

After situ Wuwei left, he took a group of people back to the leader's headquarters of Kun District Alliance. After returning to the headquarters, he was closed all the time

No one found that it was wrong, but youyusi found that there was a little problem, but he couldn't figure out what the difference was


This is a world without color. The sky is gray, only gray and white. Li Zhi has been wandering in this world for a long time,

Since the day when Li Zhi was enveloped by the colorful glow, Li Zhi found that the original force did not really act on the body, but on the original sound. He was immediately absorbed into the mirro

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