It's just superficial. What Daji doesn't know is that she is different from those women.

Because Li Zhi treated Daji with a special kind of abnormal psychology of revenge.

Every time he was in bed with Daji, Li Zhi used all kinds of difficult movements, and Daji tried to cooperate with Li Zhi in order to complete the task.

In fact, what Daji didn't know was that Li Zhi didn't look like this in bed, but he treated Jiang Xianrou and others with great tenderness and care. Some of the more difficult movements would not let Jiang Xianrou do more.

But the treatment of Daji is different, because Daji has inexplicable feelings for another identity of Li Zhi.

But this kind of feeling makes Li Zhi have a kind of inexplicable displeasure, as if someone gave him a green hat. Although that person is his own identity, it clearly makes him have this special jealousy.

But Daji's heart is frozen. There is only one person in her heart, that is the mysterious Taoist friend.

Li Zhi's stay in Daji's palace is longer than that of Jiang Xianrou and other people. The main reason is that he can play more happily and comfortably, and Daji can play well.

Daji did not know Li Zhi's idea. If he knew Li Zhi had this idea.

It's too humiliating to leave this task even if you are fighting for the consequences of being killed by Empress Nuwa.

Li Zhi cleans up Daji every day, and he is also thinking about the other two goblins in Xuanyuan tomb. After all, the presence of all these predestined relationships can be regarded as the means of empress Nuwa.

And Li Zhi is also thinking about how to revenge Nuwa through these three goblins. Of course, his idea can't be more than that. He wants to stir up chaos in heaven and earth as a prophet through the three goblins.

However, Li Zhi's plan is good, but a natural disaster suddenly came. The natural disaster affected so much that the whole business community was in dire straits.

The coming of the drought made Li Zhi at a loss for a moment. When he was on the court hall, Li Zhi sat on the seat of the ninth five, and looked down.

He asked the courtiers below, "Dear Aiqing, what can you do about the recent drought?"

After this sentence was finished, the officials at the bottom were in a mess. First, they had a discussion, but after a while, they all shut up and stopped talking.

Li Zhixin is tired of seeing that these people are all of this virtue when they use it.

There are only a few people who don't speak. Li Zhi knows the reason. For example, Kong Xuan and Peng Xuan are secretly calculating the problems.

However, due to the fact that Fengshenbang has already signed a contract and the chaos of nature, it is impossible to know what the reason is by means of calculation, so they frown.

As for other people, such as Wen Zhong and Bigan, although they also have a headache, they can't know the reason at all.

When Li Zhi saw the performance of the officials, he was also helpless. Suddenly, a voice appeared.

It turned out that Yuen Long was responsible for the sacrifice. Yuen Long stepped forward and said to Li Zhi, "Your Majesty, now it's hard for the drought victims to make a living. Now there is no other way. We have to pray for rain from heaven, pray for the immortals to rain, and ask your majesty to take a bath and change clothes, communicate with the immortals in heaven, and forgive me the sin of life."

Li Zhi said in his heart, "what's the use of praying for rain god? Is it possible to ask the gods in the sky for rain instead of trying to figure out how to deal with the drought? Even if the gods in the sky know it, what can they do? "

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