Under the cliff of another Tianxiao college, tongtianxiao's brow trembles, and then four brocade boxes appear in the space, suddenly beating out a light. The blue list appears, and the names on it appear. Tongtianxiao's face changes greatly after seeing the names.

"Oh? So it's this one

In hongluan palace, the princess Su Xiaoxiao.

In her bedroom, Li Zhi is arranged there. In the afternoon, Su Xiaoxiao is waking up and has been threatened. Su Xiaoxiao's strength at the top of the nine stars can't even move a finger.

Li Zhi appeared in front of her, flew to her bed, and then the majestic voice sounded

"Take care of him. When he wakes up, take him to the Daming empire! Give this to him when you wake up! He will be the owner of the token in the future. You should know how to do it. "

At the end of the voice, there was a token on Su Xiaowei's dressing table. On the token, there were two naked men and women hugging each other, which made the brand exude mysterious atmosphere.

Su Xiaoxiao resumed her action after the threat disappeared, but she sat there like a puppet for quite a long time, then stretched out her right hand to grasp the token. After the token started, a strange energy burst out from her body.

Su Xiaoxiao said in surprise: "it's Chanmian Ling!"

Su Xiaoxiao is a disciple of the famous Chanmian palace in the Daming empire. After every top gang in the Daming Empire, there is an imperial relative. The backstage of Chanmian palace is Zhu Houxi, the most powerful member of the Daming empire.

Among the three great empires, there are many lines in Helen's message. Su Xiaoxiao is the head of the palace school in Capricorn and the head of this place. The gluttonous order is the highest symbol in the palace of gluttonous palace. It is divided into two pieces, one piece of blue and one piece of red. But six months ago, the old man of the palace of gluttonous palace gave the blue to the life-saving benefactor, and left the disciple who was a gluttonous palace among the later generations. See someone take blue Chanmian order, then unconditionally obey each other.

If you violate the rules, you will be regarded as a rebel, and all your disciples will be killed.

If the token holder conflicts with the guild rules or princess chanmiangong's orders, then the blue token holder is the main one. The blue token holder has the right to abolish the princess's election. It can be said that the blue chanmianling is basically equivalent to the emperor.

This token makes Su Xiaoxiao think, kill Li Zhi, own the token!

But when she thought of the slight pressure that made her whole body tremble just now, this idea was directly eliminated by her.

Su Xiaoxiao didn't doubt the authenticity of the token, but after a lot of research, he found that the token was true, and the frequency of the token was exactly the same as that of the attack method of his school, which could not be copied at all.

Among other things, even the material of the token can't be imitated, because the blue and gold of the token don't belong to this space, but the ancestor of chanmiangong got it from other planes in a big space-time reversal in the future, so it can't be imitated

Li Zhi on the bed suddenly snorted, then suddenly opened his eyes. The simple scenery stunned him.

Before he fell asleep, he only remembered that he was beaten by Shen Dan.

"Where is it now?"

When he looked at it, he found that it was su Xiaoxiao. Is this her room? Did she save herself?

Thinking of this, Li Zhi jumped up from the bed and came to Su Xiaoxiao. When he was about to ask, Su Xiaoxiao screamed, then covered his eyes and turned around.

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