Space can't bear such a powerful energy. Lilo watched the golden energy fly into the ice, and he gave a smile, but then his smile disappeared, or stiff.

An old man in a robe suddenly appeared and caught the golden energy with a wave of his hand. Then he pinched it slightly. It was like a lighter had been put out and it was gone easily.

Accepting the energy to tear up the cracks in the space, the old man couldn't escape. With a wave of his hand, all the ice pieces were broken. The ice was not made of ordinary water, but black ice. It was probably harder than titanium.

But in the hands of the old man, it turned into fly ash in an instant, and Li Zhi's body fell down and was caught in the hands of the old man. The old man looked at Li Luo, suddenly laughed and disappeared in an instant

Watching the old man disappear, Liluo's body trembled slightly and said, "it's too strong and terrible!"

Only when we reach the state of Liluo can we realize how strong the old man is. Although he is not tall, his body contains the energy of destroying everything.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is already a god like existence, but in the eyes of the old man, it is estimated that it is not even a fart. If the other person destroys himself, maybe he will disappear without a look of his finger.

After living for more than 10000 years, Li Luo also felt a sense of powerlessness. He also found that he was just looking at the sky from the well!

Li Zhi's body fell down, but he used Yuanshen to observe the surrounding situation. Yuanshen's pain made Li Zhi unable to sleep.

It's not a good thing that Yuanshen is too strong, but when he is in the old man's hands, Li Zhi finds that the other party can control life and death, right! There's no choice between life and death.

Holding the collar of Li Zhi's clothes, the old man took a leisurely step, and instantly appeared tens of millions of kilometers away. This is simply not the speed of light, or can only be called the speed of blink!

And the old man took Li Zhixing to a planet with water condensation. After breaking through the atmosphere of the planet, the old man took Li Zhi to the top of the sea when he landed.

The sea water was automatically separated and slowly dropped from the top. The sea water was also divided into two parts and rolled to both sides.

After arriving at the bottom of the sea, Li Zhicai discovered that it was the emperor of heaven in Chicheng, with mountains, huge stones, and the characteristics of land and water. He came to the bottom of the water and wrote Langya water palace!

After being brought here by the old man, Li Zhi found that the invisible shield around him was surrounded by the sea water, and he couldn't get in.

Looking at the transparent white inside, Li Zhi guessed, is this TND the underground dragon palace? Is there a dragon king in it?

Of course, Li Zhi knows that there will be no Dragon Kings here. In high-tech planets, these Dragon Kings have not yet appeared, unless there is a higher level of defending the title.

All the scenery is natural. At this time, Li Zhi slowly observed that the pattern is very complex, but not messy

Everything you take out is a splendid work of art. Compared with what you saw in Zhu Yunwen just now, it's just rubbish!

Walking into a bedroom, the old man stood up and threw Li Zhi on the bed of a crystal city with a wave of his hand. After Li Zhi was thrown on the bed, he immediately felt the bed.

Because Li Zhi has the God of nine elements, it's difficult for the five elements and various elements to invade his body. But when he touches this bed, Li Zhi feels frozen, his blood is frozen, and even the spirit is frozen!

"What on earth is this? Why is it so cold? "

The old man said lightly: "although the ice bed is not a top-level treasure, you have spent a lot of effort. Although I saved your spirit, it hurt the root. It can be stable with this thing, otherwise it will be difficult for you to enter in the future."

What Li Zhi burns is not the spirit, but the power of faith. At the same time, he waves his hand, and a strong force like a mountain presses Li Zhi and presses him to the bed.

Li Zhi even has the feeling of being pressed on the bed by force. He really wants to have a big drink. You can hurt my life, but don't insult my body!

But then Li Zhi found that he thought too much, and people didn't want to do anything to him at all. In desperation, Li Zhi mobilized all his energy to resist the cold.

But the ice bed is too cold. In the process of confrontation, the breath of the ice bed keeps getting into his body, and he keeps working hard to force it out.

At the same time, he didn't find that the impurities in his body had been brought out when he forced out the cold breath. Although the energy decreased a little, his energy was pure and incomparable, and the spirit was getting stronger and stronger under the extraction of the ice chamber!


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