After listening to Jin Feng's words, Nu Wa moved her heart for a moment, and then she thought of Wen Zhong

He nodded to Jinfeng and said, "OK, Jinfeng, you can use this sign to seal the top of Chaoge."

Jinfeng holds a piece of yellow silk paper handed to her by Nu Wa in her hand, and then goes straight to Chaoge.

After arriving at Chaoge, Jin Feng looks at Li Zhi on the altar, and suddenly finds that there are nine blood colors around Li Zhi, which makes Jin Feng frown.

She heard that the Qi of Jiulong is nine golden dragons. How did it become nine blood dragons?

Of course, she didn't know that due to the change of Li Zhi's mentality, she turned the Qi of Jiulong into a blood dragon. At this time, Jinfeng threw down the Yellow Fu, which immediately sent out a spirit weapon to seal the Chaoge.

At this time, Li Zhi, Kong Xuan and other practitioners suddenly felt that the spirit of immortals in their body was not working, and they could not use any more spirit of immortals.

Li Zhi's face changed, but he knew that sacrifice was the most important thing now. After reading those tedious and sour sacrificial texts, Li Zhi hurried down the steps.

He went back to the palace with a gloomy face and called Wen Zhong over. Li Zhi found that their faces were not good-looking, so he asked, "what's the matter?"

Kong Xuan shook his head and said to Li Zhi, "I'm afraid it's a saint."

As soon as Li Zhi heard what Kong Xuan said, he understood. What is Kong Xuan's strength now?

That's the real power of Zhunsheng!

Even Kong Xuan was closed, and the mana, needless to ask, must be a saint in heaven.

Who is it? Don't even think about it. It turned out to be Nu Wa. Li Zhi looked at the sky with hatred. "Nu Wa is so cruel, but do you think I can't help it?"

At the same time, Li Zhi was also secretly frightened. Fortunately, he had two hands to prepare. Originally, he wanted Kong Xuan to exert his great magic power to directly transport the water of the East China Sea to Chaoge, and then rain came from the sky. Naturally, the rumors of the world would disappear without a trace.

However, Li Zhi has his own way. Li Zhi, who came from later generations, naturally knows about artificial rainfall, and Bi Gan, who is in charge of it, is also very happy. His means are finally used.

The fort that Bigan specially manipulated hit Li Zhi's things called dry ice into the sky. This time, Li Zhi did not care about the cost. Although the cost of these shells and dry ice was very high, this time he had to worry about these things.

Boom, hundreds of guns of dry ice hit the sky, not long to see the sky covered with dark clouds, pouring rain from the sky, song up and down suddenly a cheering.

Especially the common people, when they find that the sky is full of rain, they know that all this is due to his Majesty's sincere request for rain.

Standing in the rain, Li Zhi didn't care that the rain drenched his body. He said to the people below: "Alas, the gods in the sky are merciful."

In the heart side scolded a sentence "Nu Wa nmlgb!"

At this time, the people cheered, long live the emperor, and the officials were also surprised at the efficiency of the emperor. As soon as they prayed, did it rain?

In fact, Li Zhi did give up a lot of costs this time.

The rain can be said to have brought out a lot of money. Those shells were specially made for use. Silver iodide was compressed and bombarded into the sky. With the help of cold and hot air, the moisture in the air was reduced here.

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