Even if Li Zhi doesn't understand it, he knows that one is the energy of ice fat, and the other is madness. It's not surprising that one dragon and one phoenix are at war now.

They are so hostile to each other, the main reason is because one is the ice dragon, the other is the Phoenix, they are natural enemies, after meeting, of course, to fight to death!

But now they have scruples. It's probably Li Zhi.

At this time, they found that Li Zhi's body energy was constantly failing, worried that Li Zhi would be injured by their mutual attacks.

At this time, Li Zhi said to the ice dragon, who has evolved into an almost intelligent life: "Bruce Lee, put away your air conditioning, this is not your enemy!"

Although he doesn't want to, Bruce Lee still restrains the air conditioning and returns to Li Zhi. He turns into a dragon shaped tattoo printed on Li Zhi's chest.

Its return adds a touch of energy to Li Zhi's body, which makes Li Zhi's body get relief in the supplement.

Li Zhi's voice became cordial. He looked at the Phoenix and said, "I didn't expect you to be born so soon. It's a good time for you to appear and save my life. I don't mean any harm to you. If it wasn't for the fire attribute energy I gave you, it's estimated that you would consume the source completely within a hundred years!"

The little Phoenix is very sensible, and his voice is clear: "I know that you gave me the chance of rebirth, so you are my Phoenix family. Originally, I would not die. Every Nirvana would turn into a phoenix egg and be reborn. Every Phoenix looks like it is a new birth, but we have retained all the memories of 10000 years in this universe, Up to now, 3600 Phoenix have been born from Lihuo, but they have all fallen in the past 10000 years. With the fatalism of our family, I know that I am the only surviving Phoenix in this space plane, my father. Thank you, father

Although its voice is clear and crisp, it is difficult to distinguish between men and women. It can only be said that Phoenix's constitution is like this.

Li Zhi is totally different. In the world of Fengshen, he has no children. Now this title makes him feel strange!

He said to Phoenix: "forget it. It's too much to call me father. Just call me boss! That was Bruce Lee just now. You are all my partners. You can get along with each other in the future! "

He doesn't want Bruce Lee and Phoenix to be hostile to each other.

Phoenix crazy hit it hit it mouth,

"All right! I'll call you boss! But I have a request. If you don't want us to continue fighting, you have to promise me a condition. "

Li Zhi heard this very interesting, think this phoenix is really very strange!

In fact, Li Zhi has never seen a real Phoenix in the Guixu of Fengshen world. He can only say that there are a lot of similar Phoenix.

Because even qingluan is not a real Phoenix. Last time qingluan and Kailu were inhaled into the Ming Dynasty, Li Zhi was a little worried about qingluan.

After all, whether qingluan will be absorbed by the world or not, Li Zhi is still a little worried, but step by step!

Anyway, if you master this space at that time, you can get qingluan back. After all, qingluan also belongs to the more powerful life in this world. As long as there is the existence of life brand, you can save him.

It's brought back from the world of Fengshen. If you bring it out, you must bring it back to him!

Li Zhi said to Fenghuang, "well, what conditions do you want to tell me?"

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