These stellar sunspots appear in groups, complex sunspot groups, the components are very strange, generally small sunspot diameter is about 1000 kilometers, and large sunspot even tens of millions of kilometers!

Now Li Zhi is facing a huge sunspot with a strange magnetic field.

Li Zhi does not even dare to use it or explore it at any time, because these magnetic fields may even hurt the divine sense!

Li Zhi doesn't want to experience the pain from his soul.

"Let's go over there and have a look!"

After Li Zhi finished speaking, with the army broken, they left a planet.

You Quan is surrounded by Li Zhi's border. When you look around, you find many small-scale magnetic storms.

All of a sudden, those magnetic storms will go thousands of meters away, and these speeds almost reach the speed of light!

However, when these storms touch the boundary, they will be blocked outside and their feet will fall on the surface of the sunspot.

For a moment, Li Zhi felt that the gravity here increased more than 100 times, and the more he went inside, the more the magnetic field was increasing!

Li Zhi also came to this strange place for the first time. Although he had walked and flown in the universe before, he saw it for the first time among sunspots.

It seems that these sunspots are more mysterious and unpredictable than black holes!

From time to time there is heat flow around, and even those temperatures have reached the point where they will be limited. It's just a simple way to distinguish the southeast and northwest.

After walking for half a day, their speed was limited. Their speed was less than 1% under normal circumstances. Even so, they walked at least a million kilometers!

But for this huge sunspot, this is only one tenth of the process.

At this time, Li Zhi was shocked. He looked at the stupefied

Li Zhi thought he was wrong. He went to the next station and found that the broken army and Youquan were also stupefied. He looked forward with silly eyes

Li Zhi knew that what he saw should be true!

There is a small planet hidden in the sunspot. The planet is very small, with a diameter of only over 100000 kilometers and an area of more than 1 million square kilometers.

This sunspot is very bright. I don't know how many years it has been baked by the flame of the sunspot.

Li Zhi knows that the answer lies in it.

After a look at them, they knew what Li Zhi meant. They jumped forward and flew to the surface of a star

At this time, they found that the small planet actually has an atmosphere, and this atmosphere is very large, even 10 times stronger than the normal planet!

What does that mean?

It's very likely that there's life around here.

He tried his best to fly into the atmosphere, but as soon as he entered the atmosphere, Li Zhi found a very painful situation. Their energy disappeared!

Boom! Boom!!

Three people like a free fall directly hit the surface of the planet, fell heavily!

Li Zhi found that even Bruce Lee lost his response at the first time, including the energy of ice dragon armor. No matter how he called, he didn't respond.

The strong wind in the sky was so fierce that three people were blown away in an instant.

Li Zhi has no choice, because they have no energy and can't change themselves. Let it be!

Li Zhi thinks that if he doesn't come, I'm afraid these butterfly effects won't happen. It's out of his control of the world. It can be said that this sudden situation makes Li Zhi a little helpless!

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