At this time, Li Zhi found himself standing in a void, surrounded by boundless, between his hands waving, with his waving, the stars in the surrounding space were constantly changing according to his instructions.

Looking at the huge bones, the huge hands and thick fingers, Li Zhi knew that this was not his own hand.

His hands are very thin and sharp. This man's hands are not as good-looking as his own.

But why do you attach yourself to this person?

Li Zhi is now attached to a person who is in motion, but it doesn't matter!

Li Zhi did not expect that a person's strength could be so strong that he could wave his hand to direct the direction of the stars around him.

Those planets even move with his fingers. What is the strength of such a person?

Li Zhi is not a man who has never seen the world. On the contrary, he is a strong man. However, compared with the man he is attached to, he is nothing.

The most unfathomable thing Li Zhi has ever seen is the old man who helped him attach himself and asked him to find the six samsara!

Although I haven't seen the old man do it, Li Zhi knows that even the old man's strength is not as strong as the man in front of him, and there is a lot of difference!

As for how Li Zhi knows, it should also come from the estimation of the realm of heaven.

The realm of the way of heaven can be regarded as level 67 life. In the low level universe, it is also as powerful as the way of heaven!

In other words, in the world of Fengshen, Li Zhi has finally been in the same position with the way of heaven.

Destroying the universe and creating life is nothing to Li zhilai!

However, when he came to the higher plane, Li Zhi found that he seemed to return to the origin. With his efforts, his accomplishments were constantly improving, and his vision had not changed.

All the stars around are controlled by the man who is attached to Li Zhi. They have finished the array like arrangement!

Looking at the dense stars staying in the void, Li Zhi was in a daze!

Because this scene is too spectacular!

Before he recovered, the man in front of him suddenly waved his hand and suddenly moved down.

Then, more spectacular scenes appeared

All the stars around are self ignited and self exposed, and each self exposed star becomes a black hole!

Not only that, the star sends out a lot of energy and magnetic storms all over the surrounding galaxies.

Seeing all this, Li Zhi also knew that Kurosawa was formed in this way.

This man, like a God, flew towards the center of Blackpool. The black holes along the way did not affect him at all, and even the speed of half a second did not affect his straight flight.

Inside, those black holes and magnetic storms seem to be pushed away by a huge invisible hand!

In a flash, the man entered the Blackpool core and stood on a sunspot.

Li Zhi felt that the sunspot he was in was very familiar with, and a little gray energy spread under his feet.

Slowly, Li Zhi knows why the sunspot is familiar?

Isn't that the spot you are in now?

Black soil came out of nothing, a small star appeared in the sunspot, and soon life appeared on this planet, some single cell life.

When you see the edge here, a boundless force comes

After that, Li Zhi felt that his spirit had been pulled.

Then, Li Zhi was no longer attached to this person.

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