This time Li Zhi didn't let ASA go with him. He wanted to go first.

Because after the last experience, Li Zhina dared to belittle the four empires. He was not sure whether there was a stronger one in Shun than monk Huijie.

Compared with Li Zhi's current level, ASA's skill is still weak.

Li Zhi also knows that there is no ability to fly in this world, so it's safe for ASA to stay in mid air!

When Li Zhi's feet just came to the palace, he suddenly felt the surrounding scenery blurred.

What changes happened immediately? Ordinary people would feel dizzy, but how could Li Zhi be dizzy at this level?

His understanding of the body is not like that. Now Li Zhiqing is lucky that he didn't let ASA come with him, otherwise he would not take into account what happened.

In the middle of the air, ASA anxiously looks to the palace, because he also finds that after Li Zhi's feet touch the palace, his people have disappeared, quietly disappeared!

ASAR used his divine sense to search, but he couldn't find any information about Li Zhi!

Although ASA is very nervous and wants to go down to have a look, he also knows that if Li Zhi's strength is not good, then he will go down for nothing. If he goes down by himself, he will only give you trouble!

ASAR believes in Li Zhi's strength, even if there are any risks and traps, he will not continue to act privately.

Li Zhi closed his eyes gently, and his mind rippled in all directions. The visible waves radiated around him.

At this time, Li Zhi slowly opened his eyes, and a special look flashed in his eyes.

Through his divine knowledge, Li Zhi found that the space he was in was not the space he had just been in, but the opposite space. Why is it the opposite space? Or "mirror space!"

Everything in the mirror space is opposite to reality. In this world, if you move forward, you will become backward, and if you dodge left, you will become flash right.

It's no exaggeration to say that a strong person who is familiar with the world can easily kill a person of the same level. No matter how strong his energy is, it's hard to change his habits!

When a person's habits are normal, then he comes to an opposite space and his habits will be different from the original.

People will subconsciously act according to the rules of the normal world. Although they think clearly, they can't suppress the instinctive reaction.

Even if this kind of reaction damage is very small, under the action of the muscle, the damage to the joint is also very big!

Moreover, at a level like theirs, even if the unfinished control does not reach the standard, it will die dozens of times.

At this time, a fast figure can fly over

In the face of the fierce attack, Li Zhiyi turned around, hit back with his fists, and hit forward with the strength of his fists.

There was a loud bang!

Li Zhi's figure moved forward dozens of steps, his face flashed an abnormal flush, and a figure behind him pushed back a few steps.

Li Zhi suffered a loss when they met for the first time!

For the first time, I felt that the opponent's energy was not as good as Huijie's, but in terms of the degree of energy refining, the opponent was much higher than Huijie's, and it was a little different from himself, but it would not be much different.

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