Then Li Zhi came to the territory of the Ming Empire, found a planet at random, and landed on that planet with three people.

Affected by Kurosawa, the planet has been far away from Kurosawa, but also affected, the whole planet has suffered an earthquake!

But even so, Li Zhi found that the people who survived on this planet were all with joy!

It turned out that the border of Zhongzhou had disappeared after some inquiry!

Although the vitality of heaven and earth has been lost, Zhongzhou people have found a fact that they can go to the outside world.

Although the energy will be reduced, it is not as terrible as before. At most, it can reduce the range of acceptance by one level.

Through all the data collected by the four Helen families, the Empire has decided to occupy the Helen galaxy and bring it into the Empire.

Hearing all this, Li Zhi shook his head. This is the character of Zhu Di in this strange world. His desire to conquer is too strong!

Li Zhi doesn't like or dislike Zhu Houxi. Zhu Houxi is a strange person in Li Zhi's life. It's nonsense to say that he is a friend or an enemy.

Li Zhi can't regard Zhu Houxi as any position in his life. He has a trace of emotion, but he doesn't know that hundreds of thousands of light years away, Zhu Houxi looks strangely at Li Zhi in the eyes of Jiaolong.

After going to heize, Li Zhi was in the middle of the black and had a strange influence on jiaozhu, so he couldn't continue to monitor Li Zhi.

In fact, when Li Zhigang first came out of Blackpool, his image had been transmitted back. Zhu Houxi ordered the guards to tell him immediately when he saw Li Zhi's figure.

Zhu Houxi was stunned by the magical speed, which he could not forget for a long time!

Zhu Houxi turned around the room twice and said to Liluo, "elder martial brother, do you think Li Zhi is special?"

Li Luo stares at Jiao Zhu, his expression is very wonderful, because Li Zhi has touched him a lot!

The first time we met each other, they didn't pay attention to each other. Each other needed to burn the spirit to beat themselves.

However, when we met for the second time, this guy had already fought with Lin Feng and completely overturned Li Luo's cognition. At that time, Li Zhi, who was wearing divine armor, could not be dealt with by Li Luo!

Now when I see Li Zhi again, I'm only more surprised than ever!

Although they can't see anything, they are wearing a more magical armor. It's very likely that the armor is from Blackpool.

However, Li Luo knows one thing. Li Zhi, who doesn't wear divine armor, is more effective than himself now.

Of course, it's just his intuition and his feeling, but he believes in it very much, because for more than 10000 years, he has avoided countless lives and deaths because he believes in it.

He was silent for a long time and sighed,

"Your majesty! Younger martial brother! With all due respect, this man is unfathomable. He can only be close to him, not against him! "

Zhu Houxi sighed,

"I know I also have this feeling, but if I don't get rid of him, he is afraid that he will become a serious trouble for the Ming Empire. Moreover, my premonition is not wrong. I ask Guigu youruo to do a divination and come to a conclusion..."

After that, Zhu Houxi took out a censer and took it from Luo. He also heard the name of youruo. This is the mysterious woman in the ghost Valley!

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